FLEET-Swinburne News

News from FLEET’s team at Swinburne University of Technology

Manufacturing advanced quantum materials: Monolayer semiconducting TMDCs

A drop in the sea of electrons: Understanding Fermi polarons and their interactions

What you see is what you get with pre-characterised TMDs: FLEET Translation Program

FLEET’s engagement with rural schools continues

Reaching academic heights in Europe: catching up with FLEET alum Pavel Kolesnichenko

From spectroscopy to crime fighting: FLEET alum Dr Shilpa Sanwlani

Bonding exercise: quantifying biexciton binding energy

Where are they now? FLEET alum Carlos Kuhn

Probing quantum gases with spectroscopy (Nature review)

Sandwich-style construction: towards ultra-low-energy exciton electronics

Ultra-short or infinitely long: it all looks the same

Switching on a superfluid

Video explainers for 3MT

clapperboard image

Engaging public conversations at Melbourne Knowledge Week

Engaging senior school students at JMSS in 2020

‘Target identified’: teaching a machine how to identify imperfections in 2D materials

‘Pivoting’ to virtual: online lab tours in 2020

ARC funding for FLEET investigators

Seeking the sounds of superfluids at Swinburne


Hosting scientific meetings in 2019

Ultrafast probing reveals intricate dynamics of quantum coherence

Becoming part of the (equity) solution: Catalysing Gender Equity conference

New Chairs announced

Introducing future electronics at secondary-school level

COEs partner up for pitch training and physics on-stage

Flying the future-computing flag at Melbourne Knowledge Week

Ultra-cold lithium atoms shed light on pair formation in superfluids, helping identify best theories

Excellence in Research in Australia: ERA results

Welcome new FLEET crew members

Live-streamed FLEET seminars

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