FLEET members at the 2019 annual workshop spent time looking into their own unconscious bias, with a view to better identifying and heading off this in-built, prevalent bias.
To help FLEET become more aware of unconscious bias and other barriers to cultural and gender diversity, every FLEET member must attend at least one training workshop or training session in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion per year.
Designed to debunk the myths around unconscious bias and help members better understand what can be done in a workplace to ensure that biases (conscious or unconscious) are neutralised.
The session discussed:
- Diversity and inclusion
- What unconscious bias is
- How humans process information
- Ways to identify areas of unconscious bias
- Micro aggressions
- Some of the impacts of unconscious bias
- Recommendations to reduce our unconscious bias.
Maree Burgess is a trainer, coach, facilitator, author and speaker whose practicality guides leaders and teams to create the culture you desire, and importantly, they want to be part of – which greatly improves performance. She also consults with Diversity Council Australia and is their Melbourne based facilitator for ‘knowledge session’ delivery focused on key diversity areas. Author of 2 books, ‘The XX Project – Giving women the skills and confidence to step up in the corporate world’ and ‘Connecting Us, Develop the ideal close-knit, engaged, goal-kicking team you’ve always dreamed of.