Congratulations to two of FLEET’s Chief Investigators, whose contributions have recently been recognised by the School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University:
- Meera Parish promoted to full Professor
- Agustin Schiffrin promoted to Associate Professor
Prof Meera Parish (right) is a theoretical physicist developing many-body theories that span electron-hole systems and ultracold atomic gases. She is an ARC Future Fellow seeking to unravel the behaviour of new, complex quantum materials by investigating the nature of quasiparticles beyond the current paradigm. In FLEET’s Research Theme 2 (exciton superfluids), she is investigating the fundamental properties of exciton-polariton condensates, while in Research Theme 3 (light-transformed materials), she is studying quantum systems out of equilibrium, such as coupled kicked rotors.
A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin (left) is an experimental physicist researching nanomaterials with novel and exotic electronic properties. Agustin investigates atomically engineered nanomaterials constructed of organic (carbon-based) molecules, sometimes inspired by bio-organisms. He also studies materials whose electronics properties are controlled with light. He is a former ARC Future Fellow, mainly involved in FLEET’s Research Theme 1 (topological materials) and Research Theme 3 (light-transformed materials).
Congratulations Meera and Agustin!