Around the world, millions of people have bought into the idea that three minutes is all it takes to meet a potential partner! Can the same be true in science?
Objective: To allow FLEET members, particularly ECRs to interact with a broader cross-section of members from other nodes, in a quick and fun format. Grab a cup of coffee or the ‘lock-down beverage’ of your choice, and join in.
How to play:
Join the Zoom meeting at 3 pm, this Friday 23 July (see David ‘s email or Errol’s email for link)
If you have time beforehand, bring one slide you can share, showing off something in your lab that you are proud of. This could be:
- A shiny new piece of scientific gear at your lab which might be of interest to others
- A new piece of theory you are working on that could benefit from experiments
- A scientific problem you reckon is important, where you are looking for collaboration
- A recent paper your lab is proud of
- An amusing anecdote (science related of course)
- Proposed outreach ideas, internal or external policies…whatever else you want, provided it’s appropriate of course!
How it will work: The moderator will assign each participant a number (please change your name in your Zoom profile to include your assigned). Then David will break you out into rooms for a 3 minute discussion in pairs. If you reckon you’d like to talk further in the future, write down the number of the participant on your ‘dance sheet’. Each time David ‘rings the bell’, he’ll bring you back into the main Zoom meeting, we can chat and before switching into new break out rooms. At the end of the session, we’ll put up a slide with everyone’s contact details and number so you can get in contact as needed.
Like we said, we’ve never done this before, so it may be a little chaotic.
Put your trivia hat on: We’ll have a round of trivia as well (because we’re pretty sure that will work!)
Code of conduct: Double entendres are neither encouraged, nor permitted! We want everyone to be able to network in a safe space, so please check out the FLEET code of conduct beforehand.