The 12th APCTP Workshop on Multiferroics
The field of multiferroic physics and materials has become one of the most rapidly developing areas in condensed matter research in the past years. The compatibility between ferroelectricity and magnetism, multiferroic domain engineering, electromagnon excitation and manipulation, and artificial multiferroic heterostructures etc. are several hot topics that have been investigated in recent years. Recent additions include multiferroic van der Waals materials and topological defects such as domain walls and skyrmions in multiferroics. Useful applications of multiferroics require that both magnetoelectric coupling is significant and the ordering temperatures are high. While advances have been made in making new compounds, characterization, theoretical modeling and understanding the underlying physical mechanisms, further improvements are necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of room temperature multiferroics with strong magnetoelectric coupling.
Hosted FULLY ONLINE by UNSW Sydney, Australia 15-17 November 2021, the 12th APCTP Workshop on Multiferroics will bring together leading researchers in the fields of magnetism, ferroelectrics, spintronics, topological structures and correlated electron systems. This workshop is intended to serve as a catalyst for the development of new concepts in multiferroics that go beyond current knowledge.
Governing body
Organising Committee
Jan Seidel, UNSW (Chair)
Nagy Valanoor, UNSW
Claudio Cazorla, UNSW
Clemens Ulrich, UNSW
Pankaj Sharma, UNSW
Peggy Schönherr, UNSW
Cecilia Bloise, UNSW – For further information about this workshop.
Plenary speakers
Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers University
Ramamoorthy Ramesh, University of California, Berkeley
Invited speakers
Tsuyoshi Kimura, University of Tokyo
Junming Liu, Nanjing University
Junling Wang, Nanyang Technological University
Chan-Ho Yang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Shigeo Mori, Osaka Prefecture University
Satoru Hayami, University of Tokyo
Daniel Khomskii, Universität zu Köln
Jan-Chi Yang, National Cheng Kung University
Hung-Duen Yang, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Di-Jing Huang, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Yoon Seok Oh, UNIST
Menghao Wu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Zhenxiang Cheng, University of Wollongong
Yachin Ivry, Technion
Shuai Dong, Southeast University
Daniel Sando, UNSW
John Heron, University of Michigan
Evgeny Tsymbal, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jian Shen, Fudan University
Beena Kalisky, Bar Ilan University
Morgan Trassin, ETH Zürich
Marta Rossell, ETH Zürich
Important Dates
Abstract submission opens | 05/10/2021 |
Abstract submission closes | 31/10/2021 |
Registration opens | 05/10/2021 |
Notification of acceptance | 01/11/2021 |
Author registration deadline | 10/11/2021 |