inSTEM Conference 2022

  •  20 Jul 2022 - 21 Jul 2022
     7:30 am - 4:30 pm

FLEET is pleased to co-organised inSTEM with 9 other ARC Centres of Excellence this July 2022. inSTEM is a networking and career development conference for people from marginalised or underrepresented groups in STEM, and their allies. It is an initiative of the STEM-focused ARC Centres of Excellence.

An exciting online program has been scheduled for July 21 and 22, 2022, delivered in-person and online for virtual attendees. More information about inSTEM 2022 can be found at the the inSTEM Conference website and on the FLEET website.

Three (3) Scholarship opportunities are available for people from groups underrepresented in STEM or have experienced uncommon hardship. Scholarships will include the cost of the registration fee, return flights, and accommodation at the University of Queensland Women’s College.

Who is inSTEM for? This conference has been established for researchers from underrepresented or marginalised groups in STEM, and their allies. By researchers, we mean higher degree research students and postdoctoral researchers.

Underrepresented or marginalised groups might include individuals from any of the following groups:
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
People of colour
People who identify as LGBTQIA+
People from gender minorities
People living with a disability*
People who care for a person with a disability or who have other caring responsibilities
People from a refugee background or low socio-economic background
People who have experienced domestic violence
*Disability includes, sensory, intellectual, neuro-diverse, physical and mental illness, where disability is permanent or is likely to be permanent.

What will I get out of this event? This conference is designed to provide attendees with training and knowledge on a range of topics that will support the development of their career. It will also provide in-person attendees with the opportunity to put their networking skills in to practice with other attendees during breaks and at the social function. The inSTEM conference program can be found on the inSTEM website –

On Day 2 of the conference, we will also hear from a range of experts or individuals with lived experience, who will share their knowledge and perspectives about how we ensure we are creating and supporting a more diverse and inclusive workforce for all people, with equal access to support and opportunities.

What is included in my $200 in-person registration fee? Attendees will be able to participate in the live event and have access to all the recorded presentations post the event. You will receive coffee on arrival both days as well as morning tea and lunch. You will also have the option of attending the networking social function on the Wednesday evening 5pm – 7pm for no additional cost, which includes food, beverages, and entertainment. You will also receive a tote bag on registration with some conference goodies!

What is included in my $50 virtual registration fee? You will be able to attend the event online and have access to all of the recorded presentations post the event so you can go back and watch any sessions you missed.

Do you have to be part of an ARC Centre of Excellence or Training Centre to attend this event? No. You do not need to be a part of an ARC Centre or Excellence or Training Centre to attend. You just need to be a higher degree research student or postdoctoral researcher, who works in a field within STEM. The event is also targeted a researchers from underrepresented or marginalised groups in STEM and their allies.


Venue Website:

The Women’s College, College Road, St. Lucia, Queensland, 4067, Australia