The scientific program is below, the abstract and presenter bio can be viewed by clicking on the title. The PDF of the workshop schedule can be downloaded here.
Monday 3 July
9:30AM | Bus departs Melbourne CBD - Southern Cross Station Coach Terminal |
9:30AM | Bus departs Melbourne Airport |
12:30PM | Lunch and Registration Convention Foyer |
1:30PM | Wominjeka! Michael Fuhrer, FLEET Director Convention Centre |
2:00PM | Tutorial: Twisty 2D materials tutorial: history, current status, and open questions Shaffique Adam, National University of Singapore, Convention Centre |
3:00PM | Invited: Atomistic self-assembly of nanostructure in liquid metals Nicola Gaston, MacDiarmid Institute, Partner investigator Convention Centre |
3:30PM | Coffee Break |
4:00PM | Legacy and impact Tich-Lam Nguyen, FLEET Chief operating officer Convention Centre |
4:30PM | Workshop - Publishing trends and peer review process Esther Levy, Wiley, Editor in Chief, Convention Centre |
5:15PM | Invited: Berry curvature and strong light-matter coupling in liquid crystal microcavities with perovskites Mateusz Król, Warsaw University of Technology, Research associate Convention Centre |
5:45PM | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
6:15PM | Dinner Heritage Ballroom |
Tuesday 4 July
9:00AM | Invited: The concept of the brain Michael Ibbotson, UOM, Convention Centre |
10:00AM | Theme leader overview - Topological materials and FLEET enabling technologies Alex Hamilton, UNSW, Deputy Director & Research theme 1 leader, Convention Centre |
10:30AM | Coffee Break |
11:15AM | RT3: The emergence of superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases Emma Laird, UQ, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
11:30PM | RT2: Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir Kenneth Choo, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
11:45AM | RT1AB: Engineering order-disorder transitions at the surface of topological insulators Abdulhakim Bake, UOW, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:00 noon | RT1AB: Strong electron correlations in a two-dimensional kagome metal-organic framework Ben Lowe, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:15PM | RT1AB: Proton intercalation induced phase transitions in van der Waals materials Cheng Tan, RMIT, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
12:30PM | RT1AB: Imaging the breakdown and restoration of topological protection in magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 Mark Edmonds, Monash, Scientific associate investigator, Convention Centre |
12:45PM | Lunch | FLEET Executive Committee Meeting The Larder Restaurant | The Observatory |
2:15PM | Lawn Bowling | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
4:00PM | Poster Session Tuesday 4 July Convention Foyer |
5:45PM | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
6:15PM | Dinner Heritage Ballroom |
Poster Session Tuesday 4 July
Wednesday 5 July
9:00AM | Tutorial: Exciton polaritons Eliezer Estrecho, Convention Centre |
10:00AM | Invited: Spatially indirect exciton condensates Francois Peeters, University of Antwerp, Partner investigator, Convention Centre |
10:30AM | Coffee Break |
11:15AM | Theme leader overview - Exciton superfluids Jeff Davis, Swinburne, Chief investigator, Convention Centre |
11:45AM | RT2: Bose-Einstein condensation effects in semiconductor lasers Maciej Pieczarka, WUST, Collaborator at partner organisation, Convention Centre |
12:00 noon | RT3: Fermi polaron approach to doped atomically thin semiconductors Jesper Levinsen Monash, Scientific associate investigator, Convention Centre |
12:15PM | RT1AB: Electrochemical deposition of metal tellurides using liquid-Metal autogenous surface potential for effective electrochemical sensing: mechanism, characterisation, and performance Maedehsadat Mousavi, UNSW, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:30PM | RT1AB: Fingerprint oscillations in a bulk-insulating 3D topological insulator Weiyao Zhao, Monash, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
12:45PM | Lunch The Larder Restaurant |
2:15PM | Workshop - What can I do to create an inclusive culture? Winitha Bonney, Convention Centre |
3:45PM | Coffee Break |
4:15PM | Poster Session Wednesday 5 July Convention Foyer |
5:45PM | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
6:15PM | Group Photo |
6:45PM | Conference Dinner | Celebrating FLEET diversity | Quiz facilitated by the one and only Mitko Oldfield Convention Centre |
Poster Session Wednesday 5 July
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Thursday 6 July
9:00AM | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
10:30AM | Coffee Break |
11:00AM | Invited: Apparent strange metal behavior in small angle twisted bilayer graphene Shaffique Adam, NUS, Partner investigator, Convention Centre |
11:30AM | Theme leader overview - Magnetic- & Light-transformed materials Kris Helmerson, Monash, Research theme 3 leader, Convention Centre |
12:00 noon | RT3: Higgs oscillations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas Paul Dyke Swinburne, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
12:15PM | RT2: Wave packet dynamics and emergent topological defects in non-Hermitian exciton polaritons Yow-Ming (Robin) Hu, ANU, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:30PM | Lunch The Larder Restaurant |
2:00PM | Tutorial: Magnetic topological insulators Kirrily Rule, Convention Centre |
3:00PM | RT1AB: Layer-dependent electron-phonon interactions at the surface of MnBi2Te4 Enamul Haque, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
3:15PM | RT1AB: Bandgap and exciton energy renormalization in doped TMD Jack Engdahl, UNSW, PhD student, Convention Centre |
3:30PM | Coffee Break |
4:15PM | RT1AB: Growing and architecting liquid metal-derived crystals as electrocatalysts Jianbo Tang, UNSW, Scientific associate investigator, Convention Centre |
4:30PM | RT1AB: Modelling charge carrier dynamics in gold cluster assemblies Emma Vincent, University of Auckland, PhD student, Convention Centre |
4:45PM | RT2: Effective dissipative light-matter coupling in nonideal cavities Olivier Bleu, Monash, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
5:00PM | RT2: Polariton-electron scattering and trion resonance Sangeet Kumar, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
5:15PM | RT3: Effects of Floquet engineering on the coherent exciton dynamics in monolayer WS2 Mitch Conway, Swinburne, Research associate, Convention Centre |
5:30PM | RT3: Electric-field-control of broadband THz conductivity in graphene: from Drude to non-Drude regime Phat Nguyen, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
5:45PM | Collaborative meetings | Free Time |
6:15PM | Dinner Heritage Ballroom |
Friday 7 July
Before 10:00AM | Accommodation checkout |
9:00AM | Workshop - Responsible innovation & Future of FLEET Chris Browne, Convention Centre |
10:30AM | Coffee Break |
11:00AM | Invited: Rapid exciton diffusion in non-fullerene acceptors and its implications for OPV device architectures and computational materials screening Justin Hodgkiss, MacDiarmid Institute, Partner investigator, Convention Centre |
11:30AM | RT1AB: Enhanced itinerant ferromagnetism in hole-doped transition metal oxides: beyond the canonical double exchange mechanism Zhao Liu Monash, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
11:45AM | RT1AB: Modelling charge transport in Al/AlOx/Al tunnel junctions Karen Bayros, RMIT, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:00 noon | RT2: Towards BEC-BKT crossover in a trapped polariton condensate Eliezer Estrecho, ANU, Research fellow, Convention Centre |
12:15PM | RT3: Room temperature polariton condensates in spin-coated perovskite microcavities Mitko Oldfield, Monash, PhD student, Convention Centre |
12:30PM | Closing & Awards Michael Fuhrer, FLEET Director Convention Centre |
1:00PM | Lunch The Larder Restaurant |
2:30PM | Buses depart for Melbourne Airport and Melbourne CBD - Southern Cross Station |