Solving for the effective properties of electromagnetic composites

A Meet FLEET innovation-and-industry event poster

Karen Livesey, FLEET Associate Scientific Investigator, University of Newcastle

 The Challenge

Figure 1: An example two-dimensional slice of an electromagnetic metamaterial made up of magnetic inclusions (blue squares) in a nonmagnetic host material (yellow). In this case, the inclusions occupy 25% of the total volume.

Metamaterials = artificial structures with properties that do not occur in nature.

They are used to make electromagnetic absorbers and communication devices at microwave, infrared and optical frequencies.

A way to accurately predict electromagnetic properties of metamaterials is needed.

Predicting metamaterials’ effective or average permeability has been a challenge for over a century. Analytic methods are only accurate for low-volume fractions of magnetic inclusions.

The Solution

We developed a numerical calculation method for the effective magnetic permeability tensor of composites, based on Gauss’ law.

Key Benefits
  • Calculation is not limited to low-volume fractions of inclusions (blue squares in Figure 1)
  • Any magnetic inclusion shape and microscopic arrangement can be considered
  • Valid at high frequencies (GHz or THz)
Development Stage
  • Initial method developed
  • Seeking strategic partners
Brief Description & Differentiation
  • Figure 2: The predicted high frequency magnetic permeability of the composite shown in Figure 1, as a function of GHz frequency. There is a peak near ferromagnetic resonance. Our method (dots) is more accurate than conventional semi-analytic methods (line).

    The composite material is broken up into a grid of computational sites

  • Maxwell’s equations are re-written using finite difference methods for the derivatives
  • The resulting set of linear equations is solved to find the magnetic fields at all grid sites
  • These fields are averaged in order to find the effective permeability tensor.
  • Many methods to calculate the permeability tensor ignore the coupling between different tensor components, whereas this method does not, resulting in greater accuracy.
  • Any inclusion shape or configuration – not just randomly placed – can be treated
  • Unlike for analytic expressions, inclusions need not be dilute, uniformly distributed, nor of some regular shape
Intellectual Property

No patent

Key Publications
  • R.E. Camley, A.L. Carpenter and K.L. Livesey, Physical Review Applied in press (2023)
More information