FLEET outreach impact

Over the years, FLEET has conducted a variety of outreach events with schools and the general public. Most of the events were evaluated using recognized pre- and post-evaluation methods to understand the impact of the event relative to our strategic goals. The methods are outlined in the reports below.

This page contains the reports for all evaluated events from 2021 to 2023. Underneath many reports are links to blog posts written about the event. Additional blog posts about our outreach activities including one on quantum physics for primary students is at the bottom of this post.

FLEET’s outreach strategic goal

Promote public awareness and critical thinking about FLEET research and, among school students, improve the literacy of physics fleet science.

Did we achieve our strategic goals? The short answer is yes. The more complicated answer is that we measured the impact in a slice of time and this means there are limitations to the conclusions we draw in the reports. At public events, we measured an increase in awareness about FLEET’s research and the problem of unsustainable energy consumption of digital technologies. Our evidence shows that the public that visited our interactive exhibits and engaged with us did begin to think critically about FLEET research and how we value digital technology. We achieved to different extents the same with primary and secondary students. We also measured an increase in student literacy relevant to physics and FLEET research. But this measurement occurred at a single point in time and context. We do not know what people did with that new knowledge. Did their attitude or behaviour change in response to their engagement with FLEET? Did they discuss this concern with others? Was such dialogue perpetuated through their social circles in some way and what was that impact?



FLEET outreach impact report 2020-2024

JMSS-FLEET evaluation of the Future Electronics unit, 2020-2023

FLEET training evaluation impact report 2020-2024



AMN10 – Rotorua Outreach

Blog post – Forging outreach relationships and taking nano and quantum to Rotorua schools

Home School workshops

MySci – school holiday workshops

Ashburton Primary Quantum  electricity workshop

Mater Christi STEM Cup

Blog post – Inspiring outreach, with bombs and light circuits

St Brigids College, Horsham

Blog post – Quantum atoms in regional Victoria outreach

National Science Quiz 2023

Sydney Science Trail

Blog post – Levitating superconductor and the desire for a socially responsible digital future

Oakleigh Library School holiday workshops

Shore primary school quantum circuits workshops

John Monash Science School FLEET unit 2023



Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022

Blog post – Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022

Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022 Summary

Horsham College Year 7 workshop

Blog post – FLEET’s engagement with rural schools continues

Horsham College Year 11 Careers Workshop

Monash Council Libraries Childrens’ Workshops

Great Western Primary School Workshop

Blog post – Rural schools’ outreach

Hughesdale Primary School Workshop (Boom, watch out below)

Blog post – Boom! Watch out below. FLEET take their energy and forces workshop to Hughesdale Primary School

John Monash Science School FLEET unit 2022

Blog post – 2D materials workshop skilling up future Australian scientists

Blog post – Students confirm benefits of FLEET future-computing unit

Moyston Primary School Workshop

Sydney Science Trail

National Science Quiz

Blog post – National Science Quiz

Creating a quantum spark: Hughesdale Primary School pilot workshop

Blog post – Creating a quantum spark in primary students



Melbourne Knowledge Week 2021

Blog post – Engaging public conversations at Melbourne Knowledge Week

Melbourne Knowledge Week 2021 Summary

Ashburton Primary School Pilot Electricity, conductors Insulators

National Science Quiz 2021

John Monash Science School FLEET unit

More blog posts about our outreach activities

Getting wavy: New FLEET Schools Forces and Energy resource goes from Newton to Einstein

Teaching the teachers at CONASTA






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