Step 3: Distribution (External)

It is crucial that scientists are able to communicate their science. These tools and instructions were used by FLEET researchers to develop and distribute stories about new papers. We see this as a three step process:

Send a copy to the following:

Use your ‘teaser’ paragraph (see hints and tricks) to pitch the article to each, with tweaks for some of the platforms (eg, if pitching to a materials platform I might emphasise materials aspects of the study). Then give them a URL pointing to the story, to make it as easy as possible for them to publish.

Don’t forget your home university comms team: Make sure you alert your home uni communications team first. Ask them if they’d like to use the story on their news page, and offer to help customise the story for them. Even if they don’t want to do that, you can ask them to help you share on social media. See our list of contact addresses at each FLEET node.

If it’s ARC funded, tell the ARC: Email the article to; with “suggested news for Research Highlights”. (Even if they don’t publish it, it’s helpful for them to know what you are doing.)

All of these outlets are listed because FLEET had some success pitching science stories to them.

Relatively ‘hard-science’ research blogs

Send a pitch to each of these, with Subject [Story name] – suggested news story.

  • Space Daily, Energy Daily or TerraDaily
Materials stories (emphasise materials in snippet)
More specific…

It’s always good to let your research partners know you are doing a story, even if they don’t have capacity to carry the story themselves.

Less ‘hard’ sci – an application or nice gimmick is handy…
  • SciDev
  • Scienceblog incl @ScienceBlogTwit
  • My Science submit online at
  • IFLScience
Engineering association stories…
  • The Engineer
  • IEEE Note you need to be a member of the IEEE for them to publish. They will be seeking original stories.
    • IEEE Computer Society news
    • Spectrum (also electronics)
    • NSW contact ‘Anthony William Sloman’
    • Vic contact Priya Rani, Enn Vinnal
  • Engineering Australia magazine ‘create You need to be a member of EA:
Computing/IT news

Worth a crack if you can tweak your pitch towards a non-science crowd interested in future computing


If you can tweak your pitch towards future electronics


Semiconductor industry outlets. Go easy on the hard science…

Popsci (worth a crack if interesting)