Our insatiable appetite for computing means ITC already consumes 5–8% of global electricity, and is doubling each decade.
Unless that ever-growing demand for computing can continue to be met with efficiency gains, the information revolution will slow down from power hunger.
At the launch of a new Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence the audience heard that efficiency gains in current, silicon-based technology are running out. FLEET seeks new, ultra-low energy electronics using cutting edge new science, such as the science of atomically-thin materials and topological materials.
FLEET (The ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies), which was officially opened on Tuesday 12 June at Monash University, is a collaboration of more than 100 researchers at seven Australian universities and 13 Australian and international science organisations.
The launch also showcased the Center’s efforts in spreading a passion for science to Australian schools, with an enthusiastic group of high-school students from Mount Waverley Secondary College ‘road-testing’ FLEET’s suite of hands-on science demonstrations.
A crowd of around 150, covering the range from high-school students to researchers and senior university and government policymakers attended the launch, heard from a range of speakers covering various experience levels, including representatives from four of the Centre’s seven Australian research nodes:
- Dr Daisy Wang (UNSW) on the information technology energy use that drives FLEET’s mission
- Prof Jared Cole (RMIT) on the cutting-edge science that will allow FLEET to develop future electronics
- Prof Matt Davis (University of Queensland) on results’beyond the science’ including skills development, outreach and equity
- Prof Michael Fuhrer (FLEET) on the Centre’s legacy
- Prof Marc Palange (Monash University Provost and Senior Vice President)
- Prof Sue Thomas (Australian Research Council Chief Executive Officer)
Event MC was Professor Ana Deletic, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at UNSW.
More information
- Contact media@fleet.org.au
- Read FLEET press release
- Read the ARC press release
- Visit FLEET.org.au
- Follow @FLEETCentre
- Watch Future solutions to computation energy use
- Subscribe to FLEET.org.au/news