–Are hover boards real?
–What’s lightning?
–Can we time travel?
–Can I predict where a rainbow will form?
–What is electricity, and who were the first electricians?
Introducing FLEET’s new “Ask a physicist” page, where we’re encouraging schoolkids, parents and others to ask their hardest, most-baffling questions and we’ll answer them (or, we’ll find a FLEET member who can). We’d love FLEET members, affiliates and partners help in spreading the page. If you’re on Facebook, go to @FLEETaskthephysicists, Like/Follow and Share with anyone you think might have good questions, or enjoy the answers.
FLEET members, partners and affiliates, if you’d like to help answering questions, email Jason.
Please follow, and share – specifically with any junior scientists/ teachers/ parents/ schools you know who might have a baffling question to ask. The page is mostly aimed at primary and secondary school students and teachers, but we’re happy to get questions from anyone. Ask away…