Melbourne Knowledge Week (May 2018) was an opportunity for FLEET to engage with the public and road-test a number of outreach demonstrations being developed for schools. It also gave 20 Centre members the opportunity to gain valuable experience in public
science outreach, speaking to a diverse audience.
Melbourne Knowledge Week showcases cool science and engineering projects in the city of Melbourne, connecting non-scientists with the research and technology around them.
FLEET’s Novel Electronics presentation ran for the full week at the festival hub, with hands-on science demonstrations linked to materials used in FLEET research, such as gallium, bismuth and ferrofluids.
FLEET members staffed the stand in small teams to demonstrate electrical and magnetism concepts, operate (and constantly tweak!) the laser maze, and explain FLEET’s research.
This year FLEET has focused on improving members’ skills and confidence in public engagement, and other forms of science communication.
FLEET will be participating in Melbourne Knowledge Week 2019 with new activities under development.