Correlated electronic structure of the kagome metal MnSn

MnSn is a ferromagnetic material with inter-layer coupled magnetism and a high curie temperature TC. We study the bulk and monolayer form of MnSn. We, hereby, use density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory (DFT + DMFT), to investigate the correlated electronic structures of MnSn in the Ferromagnetic phase. Bulk MnSn is found to be a weakly correlated material and ...



The oases and mirages of the quantum future

Kavan Modi, Director, Quantum for New South Wales There is a new game-changing technology announced every three minutes on LinkedIn. If you do your own research, you will be looking to buy a quantum computer tomorrow. Is this reality or just hype? We will talk about the current standing of quantum technologies, the quantum ecosystem, and the quantum industry. We ...

Variations of the interactions between Fermi-polarons in 2D WS 2 with doping density

Jeff Davis, Chief investigator, Swinburne The interactions between excitons and free electrons in 2D TMDCs lead to the formation of Fermi-polarons – that is, the excitons are dressed by the Fermi sea of electrons.  Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy has been able to reveal interactions between such Fermi-polarons.  Here we examine how these interactions change as a function of electron density, and ...

Transport Studies on Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

Two dimensional materials not only can be constructed into artificial vertical heterostructures and superlattices by introducing an arbitrary angle of rotation between two adjacent layers, such as in a bilayer graphene or transition metal dichalcogenides, a moiré superlattice with in-plane periodicity featuring a much larger supercell can be formed. The new periodic potential associated with the moire´ pattern modifies the ...

Room temperature gate-tuned magnetic phase transition in a van der Wals magnet

Finding tunable van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnets that operate at above room temperature is an important research focus in physics and materials science. Most vdW magnets are only intrinsically magnetic far below room temperature and magnetism with square-shaped hysteresis at room temperature has yet to be observed. Here, we report magnetism in a quasi-2D magnet Cr1.2Te2 observed at room temperature …

STM study of a 2D topological insulator on a room-temperature ferroelectric

Amelia Dominguez Celorrio, Monash The ultrathin Bi(111) layer has been predicted to exhibit characteristics of a 2D Topological Insulator with a significant bandgap, making it an ideal candidate for electronics applications. However, its electronic and topological properties depend on its thickness and atomic arrangement. Employing Scanning Tunneling Microscopy techniques, we have investigated the growth of Bismuth on In2Se3, a promising ...

Making artificial electronic crystals

The electronic properties of materials are determined by the atomic constituents and their crystal lattice structure. Engineered electronic materials, which are created by applying a designed spatially periodic potential, a superlattice, have offered a powerful way to alter the properties of natural crystals in a controlled manner. Imposing spatially periodic electric field via nanolithography has also been proven to be …

Electron phonon interactions in MnBi2Te4

The QAH state can only be observed bellow 1 K, although the magnetic ordering can go beyond 100 K. Electron phonon interactions (EPI) come into play a role on the QAH state due to the raise of temperature. Here we show, based on the density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), that EPI in MBT strongly correlate with the magnetic ordering, septuple …

Electronic and spintronic properties of Heusler alloy Co2MnGa

Co2MnGa, a Weyl ferromagnet characterized by its cubic-based high structural symmetry, has garnered significant attention owing to its promising capabilities in electronic and spintronic applications. The specific structural attributes of this compound play a pivotal role in shaping its electronic transport properties, often leading to unconventional phenomena that diverge from conventional expectations. In this study, we employ a combination of …

TbMn6Sn6, a tuneable quantum magnet at room temperatures

The kagome magnet TbMn6Sn6 exhibits a near-perfect structure for exploring topological Chern physics, which features a Mn kagome plane and a nearby perpendicular magnetic anisotropic Tb layer below 310 K (the spontaneous spin reorientation transition “point”, T SR ). Scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy has confirmed the presence of Chern gap and chiral boundary states within TbMn6Sn6. Additionally, the Berry curvature, generated …

Electron magneto-hydrodynamics in GaAs systems

Viscous effects in electronic systems typically arise from vorticity at the boundaries of the 2D system. This limits the contribution of the viscous dissipation to the total dissipation of the system, making the viscous effect challenging to measure. In our work, we use a periodic array of micromagnets to create vorticity – and thus viscous dissipation – across the entire …

Progress on the Australian Quantum Gas Microscope

About the presenter Dr Sascha Hoinka is an ARC DECRA Fellow in Prof Chris Vale’s group at Swinburne University of Technology, where he experimentally studies one-dimensional quantum wires of Fermi atoms. Within FLEET, Dr Hoinka has taken a lead role in designing and constructing Australia’s first quantum-gas microscope – a multi-institution facility hosted at Swinburne. Intended to be accessible by …

Rare earth nitride cryogenic magnetic memories: solving the problem of scaling up for cryogenic and quantum computing

About the presenter Simon joins FLEET as a partner investigator from the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, where he leads the Institute’s Future Computing project to control electron transport and spin through superconductivity and topology. As a Senior Scientist at the Robinson Research Institute (Victoria University of Wellington), Simon applies his expertise in magnetic thin films and structures …

Trion resonance in polariton-electron scattering

Strong interactions between charges and light-matter coupled quasiparticles offer an intriguing prospect with applications from optoelectronics to light-induced superconductivity. Here, we investigate how the interactions between electrons and exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional semiconductor microcavity can be resonantly enhanced due to a strong coupling to a trion, i.e., an electron-exciton bound state. We develop a microscopic theory that uses a strongly …

Engineering Ferroelectric Heterostructures for Low-Energy Electronic Device Applications: A Room-Temperature Ferroelectric Resonant Tunneling Diode

The presence of a controllable and switchable spontaneous dipole enables ferroelectrics to be exploited for data storage as well as capacitance applications. The ferroelectric domain structures and corresponding properties are strongly dependent on the selection of materials and heterostructure configurations. Resonant tunnelling is a quantum-mechanical effect in which electron transport is controlled by the discrete energy levels within a quantum-well …

Fabrication and STM characterisation of twisted TMD materials

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are atomically thin materials that, when stacked together, create a moiré lattice where the existence of flat bands has been predicted and observed. Hence, a plethora of phenomena related to electronic correlations such as superconductivity, topological non-trivial effects or Mott insulating phases can be observed in these synthetic materials. In this research, we fabricate the materials …

Polar topological textures in Oxide Superlattices

In ferroics, emergent phenomena arise from complex interactions among various degrees of freedom that can be used as tuning knobs for physical responses. In particular, strain-polarization coupling in ferroelectrics enables the formation of exotic polarization textures, such as topologically protected states. Notably, due to high local crystalline anisotropy, such topological textures are limited to a few nanometres and are highly …

Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of moiré intralayer excitons in twisted WSe2/WSe2 homobilayers

Kyle Boschen completed his Honours project in 2022 and is now undertaking a PhD in CI Jeff Davis‘ group. He is investigating the properties of two dimensional semiconducting TMDs using ultrafast spectroscopy. The project fits the FLEET Enabling Research Theme 2, Exciton Superfluids

Probing proximity in topological insulator / magnetic insulator heterostructures

Magnetic proximity between topological insulators and magnetic insulators is expected to yield interesting states such as the quantum anomalous Hall insulator or axion insulator. In this work, we demonstrate progress towards the creation and characterisation of such structures through transferred MBE TI growths onto MIs, or direct growths on MIs. About the presenter Matthew Gebert is a PhD student in …

Adventures in characterising magnetic high entropy oxide thin films

La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 is a high entropy perovskite oxide which has attracted interest due to the ability to switch between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic ground states by varying its Mn concentration. We have grown thin films of this material, and using X-ray, electron, and neutron diffraction, examined how it changes under different epitaxial strain conditions About the presenter Kayla Lord is a PhD …

Modelling transport properties using the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism: Transverse magnetic focusing in a two-dimensional hole gas

Recent experiments have demonstrated that holes in a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) can be focused using a transverse magnetic field to create a viable spin filter [1]. While transverse magnetic focusing (TMF) has been studied extensively in two-dimensional electron gases, theoretical studies on TMF in 2DHGs is sparse as of this writing. We demonstrate that numerical modelling allows us to …

Magnetic second-order topological insulator from inverted p-d orbitals

About the presenter Zhao is a Research Fellow in CI Nikhil Medhekar‘s group. After completing his PhD in 2018, Zhao is exploring magnetic materials and topological materials theoretically. He aims to understand the integration of magnetism and topology in 2D materials. This work fits the FLEET Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.

Modelling topological excitations in atomic spinor BECs

Quantum gases with internal degrees of freedom give access to novel quantum vortex phases due to the interplay of mass and spin density-density interactions. Spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates facilitate unusual vortex phenomenology as they are able to host different ground state phases which can in turn support vortex configurations which support higher and even fractional winding numbers, such as polar core …

Superfluid flow in channels

A superfluid transistor requires flow through a potentially disordered channel. This poster will provide an overview of research at UQ on the nonequilibrium flow of superfluids through two-dimensional channels. About the presenter CI Prof Matthew Davis makes use of the methods of reservoirs and open quantum systems to drive transitions between novel nonequilibrium states of matter, and his work focuses …

Measuring Polariton-Polariton Interactions Via Ultrafast Spectroscopy

About the presenter Matthew Berkman is an Honours student working with CI Jeff Davis at Swinburne. His project is focusing on measuring polariton interactions with multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. Specifically, he’s quantifying the complex valued interaction strength between polaritons (in GaAs system) as a function of exciton fraction and for same and opposite spin polaritons

Strong light-matter coupling in open microcavities

About the presenter Mateusz is a Research Fellow in CI Elena Ostrovskaya‘s group. He received his PhD at the University of Warsaw in Poland where he worked on microcavities filled with liquid crystals. His work fits the FLEET Research Theme 2, Exciton Superfluids.

Designing polar skyrmions with emergent quantum properties in epitaxial BiFeO3 heterostructure

With the increasing demand of new age electronics, there has been a constant attempt to incorporate the electronics with nanotechnology. This brings a dire need to include ferroelectrics in the electronics because of their intriguing functionalities. Upon reducing the dimension of ferroelectrics in nanoscale regime, owing to complex interaction between charge, strain, and chemical composition degrees of freedom, one can observe …

Finding an exciton condensate in a topological insulator

Recent evidence suggests monolayer WTe2 could be an excitonic insulator. If so, carrier doping and interaction with the substrate should heavily affect the bandgap. The Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons are predicted to exhibit charge order with a characteristic momentum. When grown on an insulator as opposed to a conductor, we have observed the formation of a significantly larger (∼ 200 …

2D Metal-organic frameworks on metals and decoupling layers

On surface synthesis of metal organic frameworks has been a hot topic during the past decade. Nevertheless, just recently the electronic and magnetic properties of these materials have started to attract the attention of the researchers due to their potential applications in quantum sensing and quantum information storage. In this poster, magnetic and electronic properties of lanthanide MOFs will be …

Controlling spin-substrate coupling via manipulation

Controlling interactions between two-dimensional (2D) materials and their substrate is critical if the properties of these materials are to be exploited in new technologies. One of the most dramatic examples of the influence of a substrate is the Kondo effect, in which local magnetic moments are screened by conduction electrons of a host metal. Here, we synthesise a 2D kagome …

Weighing heavy things using gravity

Heavy objects like trucks, trains and shipping containers are typically weighed using devices known as weighbridges, which determine an object’s mass by measuring its downward force due to gravity. Unfortunately, these devices are slow to use, usually immobile, and provide no information about how mass is spatially distributed within the object. We propose a technology that will instead weigh large …

2D Metal-Organic Nanomaterials for Electronics and THz Conductivity of Functional Materials: a FLEET Legacy

I will summarise our achievements of the last few years in the areas of 2D metal-organic nanomaterials for electronics, and broadband THz conductivity of electronic and optoelectronic materials. About the presenter A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin is an ARC Future Fellow. He investigates optically driven topological phases of materials by means of state-of-the-art ultrafast photonics, pump-probe spectroscopy and time-resolved scanning probe microscopy …

Josephson effects in Al/AlOx/Al junctions

Josephson junctions are the key components used in superconducting qubits for quantum computing. The advancement of quantum computing is limited by a lack of stability and reproducibility of qubits which is likely to originate in the disordered oxide tunnel barrier in the Josephson junctions that constitute the qubits. Pinholes have been suggested as one of the possible contributors to these …

Scanbot: An STM Automation Bot

Scanning Tunnelling Microscopes (STM) are capable of obtaining images of surfaces with atomic scale resolution. They accomplish this by scanning an atomically sharp probe across the surface of a sample while monitoring an electric current. The quality of STM images depends greatly on the exact geometry and composition at the apex of the scanning probe. Blunt tips result in blurry …

Excitons in 2D TMD in Strong Magnetic Fields

The excitonic resonances in 2D TMDs are known to be dependent on magnetic field, often described with a simplified Hamiltonian featuring a diamagnetic term quadratic in B. This simple picture is sufficient for 1s excitons in realistic laboratory conditions, however it fails to capture the behaviour of higher order excitons even at moderate magnetic field strength. In this work we …

Modelling charge carrier dynamics in gold cluster assemblies

Emma Vincent, University of Auckland Assemblies of chemically precise nanoclusters have recently been synthesised to demonstrate the dependence of electronic transport properties on structural order[1]. The nanoclusters themselves are examples of superatomic species for which the electronic structure can be understood as emerging from the valence electrons of the metal atoms [2]. The interactions between these emergent superatomic states leads ...

Electronic properties of 1T-TiSe2, numerical models of the formulation and melting of the charge density wave state

The charge density wave (CDW) is an example of a low temperature phase of matter which occurs due to strongly correlated electrons. CDW materials are characterised by a periodic distortion of the atomic lattice, periodic modulation of the electronic charge distribution, and a complex order parameter. These materials have potential application in mechanical vibration detectors, optoelectric devices, information processing, memory, …

Resonant skew scattering of plasmons

The electron skew scattering by impurities is one of the major mechanisms causing the anomalous Hall effects in semiconductor nanostructures. In this Letter, we argue that in plasmonic setups the skew scattering of plasma waves can be engineered to be giant and observed directly via near-field probes. In particular, we consider the scattering of plasma waves in gated two-dimensional electron …

Edge state transport in WTe2

Topological materials are promising for future low energy electronic device applications. These materials have been predicted to exhibit ballistic transport along their 1D edge. However, experiments have revealed higher resistance than expected. We aim to characterise the scattering mechanisms causing this resistance in WTe2, a topological material. About the presenter Daniel McEwan is a PhD Student at Monash University with …

Resonant exciton-exciton annihilation of intervalley dark excitons in atomically-thin transition metal dichalcogenides

Here, we demonstrate up-conversion photoluminescence of optically forbidden (dark) excitons in few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides. Transition metal dichalcogenides were mechanically exfoliated onto sapphire substrates using a dry transfer technique. We show that the resonance between up-converted excitons and the bright exciton state at Γ valley results in a strongly enhanced photoluminescence, evidenced by temperature, layer and excitation dependent photoluminescence measurements. …

Optical Pump Terahertz Probe

Overview of recent exciting results on room temperature condensation of exciton-polaritons and Optical Pump Terahertz Probe (OPTP) results in graphene. About the presenter Gary Beane is a Research Fellow working with A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin at Monash University, where he is investigating optically driven topological phases of matter using terahertz time domain spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. He is mainly involved …

Non-Onsager quantum magnetic oscillations

A long standing puzzle has been resolved… About the presenter CI Prof Oleg Sushkov leads two theoretical investigations within Research Theme 1: (i) Artificial nanofabricated materials including artificial topological insulators. (ii) Laterally modulated oxide interfaces. Within Research Theme 3 Sushkov also participates in studies of theoretical many-body physics aspects of exciton condensates and cold atoms aimed at support of the …

Electric Field-induced motion of polar topological defect in epitaxially strained BiFeO3 thin film

Magnetic and polar vortices hold tremendous power to revolutionize memory devices. Formation of magnetic vortices in magnetic systems and polar vortices in ferroic films have already been shown. However, unlike magnetic vortices, controlled motion of the polar vortex has not been achieved yet. Here, we show electric-field controlled – reversible and repeatable motion of spontaneously created polar vortex across the …

Dynamic Equilibria for the Solid Metal – Liquid Metal Interface

Liquid metal alloys are an ever growing industry with a myriad of potential applications such as catalysis, and electronics.1 Unfortunately, the full potential of these materials are under-utilised and is outside the scope of other research parameters.2 Herein, nanodroplet alloyed materials are probed and investigated with the use of a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), thus unlocking the potential these materials …

Liquid metals: an ideal platform for the synthesis of two-dimensional materials

The surfaces of liquid metals can serve as a platform to synthesise two-dimensional materials. By exploiting the self-limiting Cabrera-Mott oxidation reaction that takes place at the surface of liquid metals exposed to ambient air, an ultrathin oxide layer can be synthesised and isolated. Several synthesis approaches based on this phenomenon have been developed in recent years, resulting in a diverse …

Towards quantum electronics and optoelectronics with individual point defects in 2D semiconductors

Atomic-scale quantum systems based on individual point defects and colour centres have become key elements in emerging quantum technologies, with applications in quantum sensing, computation, simulation, and communication. Different from conventional 3D semiconductors, electron (or hole) spins in atomically-thin (2D) semiconductors with hexagonal lattices [1], are coupled to an additional valley degree of freedom [2] in the presence of inversion …

Photoemission Electron Microscopy and Momentum Microscopy of 2D Transition Metal Chalcogenides

Photoemission is the most information rich and widely used techniques for the elucidation of the electronic structure, surface states and chemistry of materials. The NanoESCA III, recently commissioned in Flinders Microscopy and Microanalysis, is a photoemission electron microscope (PEEM) and angle resolved photoemission spectrometer (ARPES). In PEEM mode it images surfaces by focusing and detecting electrons emitted from a material …

Quantum Science and Technology at CSIRO

CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency tasked with addressing the nation’s greatest challenges through innovative scientific solutions. In recent years, CSIRO has invested heavily in quantum science and technologies via a range of programs that span quantum computing, sensing and communications. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the research and goals of CSIRO’s quantum activities, particularly within …

Overview of THz-TDS results

I will present on recent results in our group on 1) room temperature condensation of exciton-polaritons in perovskite-DBR microcavities and 2) Broadband optical-pump THz probe (OPTP) results with graphene. About the presenter Gary Beane is a Research Fellow working with A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin at Monash University, where he is investigating optically driven topological phases of matter using terahertz time domain …

Non-Onsager Quantum Magnetic Oscillations

Oscillation effects in crystals have been studied since the 1930s, when it was observed that a metal’s magnetisation and resistance are periodic in the inverse magnetic field. Typically, the oscillation frequency corresponds to the area of a closed cross-section of the Fermi surface, these are Onsager oscillations. We show that oscillations arise, in equilibrium, which do not correspond to any …

Flat band induced by non-collinear antiferromagnetism in two-dimensional CoBi2Te4

The interplay of the topology of electronic wavefunctions with spin configurations in intrinsically magnetic topological insulators (TIs) causes various exotic topological states, which attracts much attention in condensed matter physics. In this work, we study the magnetic and electronic properties and edge states of two-dimensional CoBi2Te4. Based on our density functional theory and tight-binding calculations, CoBi2Te4 films are predicted to …

Rabi oscillations and magnetization of a mobile spin-1/2 impurity in a Fermi sea

About the presenter Brendan is working with CI Meera Parish to investigate the dynamics of excitons in two-dimensional semiconductors, with a particular focus on spectroscopic probes and the effect of electron doping or large carrier densities. to characterise the topology of an exciton-polariton system and to show how to calculate and measure its quantum geometric tensor (including complex Berry curvature). …

Non-Hermitian Quantum Geometric Tensors in an Exciton-Polariton System

About the presenter Yow-Ming (Robin) Hu is a PhD student working with Chief Investigator Elena Ostrovskaya. Her project aims to characterise the topology of an exciton-polariton system and to show how to calculate and measure its quantum geometric tensor, including complex Berry curvature. This works towards a key objective of FLEET Research Theme 2 Exciton Superfluids to observe, theoretically and …

Resonant exciton-exciton annihilation of interlayer dark excitons in atomically-thin TMDs

Optical properties of dark excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been received lots of attention due to its significant role in fundamental properties of exciton physics. Here, we demonstrate up-converted photoluminescence (PL) in few-layer WSe2 through exciton-exciton annihilation of intervalley dark excitons. WSe2 was mechanically exfoliated onto silicon substrates with 285-nm-thick SiO2 using a dry transfer technique. We performed …

Got PhD, What Next? Unveiling the FLEET Journey

Panel Discussion – Got PhD, What Next? Unveiling the FLEET Journey Join Tich-Lam for a discussion with four FLEET alumni as they reflect on their experiences with FLEET. This panel will take you on a journey through their professional growth, starting from their training and development and extending to their job search experiences.  Through the conversation, we’ll gain a deeper …

Observation of anisotropic superfluid density in an artificial crystal

Ian Spielman, Joint Quantum Institute We experimentally and theoretically investigate the anisotropic speed of sound of an atomic superfluid (SF) Bose-Einstein condensate in a 1D optical lattice. Because the speed of sound derives from the SF density, this implies that the SF density is itself anisotropic. We find that the speed of sound is decreased by the optical lattice, and ...

The case for semiconductor manufacturing in Australia

About the presenter Dr Steven Duvall is an independent semiconductor expert, he has been working in the semiconductor industry for over 40 years. He was Silanna’s Chief Technology Officer and General Manager of Technology Development for 14 years, where he led the research, development and commercialisation of new semiconductor manufacturing technologies and products. Prior to joining Silanna, Dr Duvall was …

The Superconducting Diode Effects

About the presenter Dr Muhammad Nadeem is a Research Associate at University of Wollongong where he studies theory of 2D Chern/Z2 topological insulators with focus on Chern magnetism, role of various spin-orbit interactions, topological Skyrmion/Meron spin/pseudospin textures, and dissipationless transport. Working with CIs Xiaolin Wang, Dimi Culcer, Alex Hamilton and Michael Fuhrer, his PhD project on exploring applications of 2D …

Etch-less micropatterned epitaxial graphene via 2D and 3D site-selective growth

About the presenter Prof Francesca Iacopi has over 20 years’ industrial and academic research expertise in semiconductor technologies, with over 130 peer-reviewed publications and 9 granted US patents. She is currently head of Communications and Electronics, in the Faculty of Engineering and IT, UTS. Her research focuses on the translation of basic scientific advances in nanomaterials and novel device concepts …

Reservoir-induced linewidth broadening of exciton-polariton laser

About the presenter Bianca is a PhD candidate in CI Elena Ostrovskaya‘s group. Her project aims to realise, experimentally, exciton polaritons in artificial lattices and observe novel topologically protected states. This work fits the FLEET Enabling Research Theme 2, Exciton Superfluids.

Robust, low-threshold polariton condensates in spin-coated perovskite microcavities

About the presenter Mitko Oldfield is an experimental physicist specialising in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and exciton-polariton condensation, working with A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin and Dr Gary Beane at Monash University within FLEET’s research theme 2 and research theme 3. Mikto’s research focuses on forming a polariton condensate in high Q-factor microcavities through the use of a terahertz pumping beam generated via …

Quantifying exciton interactions strength and charge transfer rates in TMDC heterostructures

Mitch Conway, Swinburne Twisted van der Waals heterostructures are an attractive platform for exploring novel condensed matter physics due to the interplay between the moiré potential and Coulomb interactions, and the emergence of interlayer excitons. Using multidimensional coherent spectroscopy, we quantify the exciton-exciton interaction strength in WSe2 homobilayers at different twist angles (3 and 30 degrees). Extrapolating to a zero-exciton ...

Polaron-polariton in a dark excitonic medium

About the presenter Kenneth is a PhD candidate in CI Meera Parish‘s group. His research aims to investigate the interactions between excitons (or exciton-polaritons), and 2-D electron gas, with a view to inducing a collective, dissipationless flow of charged bosons: exciton-mediated superconductivity.

Plenary Daniel Loss

 TBA About the presenter TBA

Field-controlled cascade of soliton layers in epitaxial MnSi

 We have mapped the phase diagram of epitaxial MnSi films grown on Si(111) by magnetometry, differential susceptibility, extended X-ray absorption fine structure, planar Hall, polarised neutron reflectometry and small-angle neutron scattering [1-3]. Our experimental results are supported by micromagnetic simulations, which jointly reveal a magnetic phase diagram dominated by a field-induced cascade of single-Q soliton layers. The soliton layers are …

Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chromium doped Tin Telluride Thin Films

 Topological insulators (TIs) possess conductive surface states and insulating bulk properties. However, their limited operating temperatures hinder their practical implementation in everyday electronic devices. To tackle this challenge, we explore the potential of disordered TIs, which exhibit enhanced stability and increased defect tolerance. Here, we employed molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and ion irradiation techniques at ANSTO to synthesize thin films …

Functional and topological properties study by SPM

 Our group focuses on the study of functional topological defects in ferroelectric (FE) and ferromagnetic (FM) materials via advanced scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques. Our research encompasses both exploring the underlying physics in domain walls, skyrmions and vortices of oxide and van der Waals (vdW) materials, as well as leveraging these novel functionalities for post-Moore’s law nanoelectronics, such as full …

Correlated electronic structure of the kagome metal MnSn

In this work we use density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory (DFT + DMFT), to investigate in detail the electronic structures of 3D and 2D MnSn in the Ferromagnetic phase. We study the flat bands (FBs) in this material and discuss the composition, energetic position and correlation nature of these FBs. We also use a combination of first principles …

Inhomogeneous Friction Behaviour of Nanoscale Phase Separated Layered CuInP2S6

Mechanical friction leads to wear and energy dissipation, and its control is of high importance in new-generation miniature electromechanical devices. 2D materials such as graphene are considered to be excellent solid lubricants due to their ultralow friction and have attracted considerable research interest. Unique friction properties are discovered in various other 2D materials. However, the friction of functional van der …

Modelling topological excitations in atomic spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

Quantum gases with internal degrees of freedom give access to novel quantum vortex phases due to the interplay of mass and spin density-density interactions. Spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates facilitate unusual vortex phenomenology as they are able to host different ground state phases which can in turn support vortex configurations with higher and even fractional winding numbers, such as polar core and …

Magnetic topological insulators – Everything you need to know

About the presenter A/Prof Kirrily Rule is an internationally-recognized leader in understanding low-dimensional and frustrated magnetic materials. Within FLEET, Kirrily provides expertise in conducting experiments at ANSTO’s world-leading nuclear and synchrotron beam characterisation facilities for FLEET partner researchers. She is currently working with CI Xiaolin Wang and AI David Cortie in FLEET’s Enabling Technology A, atomically thin materials.

Exciton polaritons

About the presenter Dr Eliezer Estrecho is a DECRA Fellow at the Australian National University and a Research Fellow of FLEET. His research interests are mainly on exciton-polariton condensates, non-Hermitian physics, and strong light-matter interaction, specifically between electronic excitations (excitons) and photonic modes.

Twisty 2D materials tutorial: history, current status, and open questions

About the presenter AI Shaffique Adam is currently an Associate Professor, Yale-NUS College and an NRF Fellow. A/Prof Adam is an expert in the theoretical physics of Dirac systems. Within FLEET, he is working on gaining an understanding of the electronic transport and other properties of novel Dirac semimetals, as well as the conventional insulator to topological insulator transition in …

Visualisation of strain-induced Landau levels in a graphene – black phosphorous heterostructure

Graphene, with its linear band dispersion at low energy and massless Dirac-like fermions, allows the Quantum Hall effect (QHE) to be observed at room temperature under a strong magnetic field[1]. In the QHE, electrons will travel in quantized cyclotron orbits with discrete energy levels called Landau levels (LLs). Yet, the massless Dirac-like behaviour of graphene provides a potential avenue to …

Realising topological phase transitions in a spin 1/2 quantum kicked rotor

The quantum kicked rotor (QKR) is a system used to explore quantum chaos, which is extensively studied theoretically and experimentally. The QKR also has many flavours such as the single kicked rotor revealing localisation, delocalisation and anti-resonant behaviours. Moreover, it has the ability to expand to higher dimensions by the modulation of the kick strength with incommensurate frequencies resulting in …

Universal electrode pick-up technology for contacting 2D monolayer semiconductors

Van der Waals (vdW) metal electrodes have been demonstrated as a promising approach to reduce the contact resistance and minimize the Fermi level pinning effect at two-dimensional materials. However, only a limited number of metals can be mechanically peeled off from a sacrificed substrate. In this work, we demonstrate a universal electrode pick-up technology for contacting two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors assisted …

Efficient exciton-exciton annihilation of dark excitons in atomically-thin TMDs

Optical properties of dark excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been received lots of attention due to its significant role in fundamental properties of exciton physics. Here, we demonstrate up-converted photoluminescence (PL) in n-layer WSe2 (n > 2) through exciton-exciton annihilation of dark excitons. Few-layer WSe2 were mechanically exfoliated onto silicon substrates with 285-nm-thick SiO2 using a dry transfer …

In-situ epitaxial aluminium gates in ultra-shallow GaAs heterostructures for low noise quantum point contacts

Using metal gates deposited in the wafer growth chamber reduces scattering from charge at the wafer surface, enhancing electron mobility and decreasing charge noise. This makes in situ grown gates ideal for a myriad of systems, from artificial lattices to quantum electronic devices such as quantum point contacts, quantum dots and quantum bits. About the presenter Yonatan Ashlea Alava is …

Nonlinear Hall effect of magnetized two-dimensional spin-3/2 heavy holes

We identify a sizable nonlinear Hall effect of spin-3/2 heavy holes in zincblende nanostructures, driven by a quadrupole interaction with the electric field formerly believed to be negligible. The interaction is enabled by T_d-symmetry, reflects inversion breaking, and in two dimensions results in an electric-field correction to the in-plane g factor. The effect can be observed in state-of-the-art heterostructures, either …

Nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in 2D topological anti ferromagnets

We calculate the nonlinear response of 2D topological antiferromagnetic materials. We model the systems by a tilted Dirac cone. We find that the purely intrinsic contribution is strongly affected by disorder corrections such as side jump, skew scattering and Berry curvature dipole like. We discuss the effect of time reversal and inversion symmetry in such a system. About the presenter …

Hydrodynamics in 2DEG density interfaces

Recent advancement in fabrication of ultra-clean samples (in graphene and in semiconductor heterojunctions [1]) has led to the realisation of a new regime of electron transport previously unexplored, i.e, the hydrodynamic regime. In this work, the implications of hydrodynamic transport through interfaces with varying density profiles in 2DEGs are explored, as well as possible experimental realisation is discussed. [1] A. …

Effects of Floquet engineering on the coherent exciton dynamics in monolayer WS2

Using light to control non-equilibrium phenomena in quantum systems is at the forefront of condensed matter research. Here we utilise MDCS to create an inter-valley coherence in monolayer WS2 and measure the pump induced changes to the coherent exciton dynamics. About the presenter Mitchell Conway is a Research Fellow at Swinburne University with CI Jeff Davis. He just completed his …

Finding an exciton condensate in a topological insulator

Recent evidence suggests monolayer WTe2 could be an excitonic insulator. While this theory is controversial, if correct, the excitonic condensate should exhibit a charge density wave (CDW) and should collapse with electron doping. Through scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) we display evidence of these phenomena and are making progress toward confirming their excitonic nature with theoretical …

The growth of ultra-thin Kagome metal Mn3-xSn films on Si(111)

Kagome metals (Mn3Sn, MnSn) with a two-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles structure exhibit great potential in applications of future electronics and spintronics because of the unique combination of novel topological phases and high temperature magnetic ordering. Here, the ultra-thin Mn3-xSn film samples were successfully grown on Si(111) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. And the crystal structure of the thin film …

Implementation of BiFeO3 in a Ferroelectric Resonant Tunnel Diode

Quantum phenomena such as tunnelling manifest in devices when the latter are scaled down to the nanoscale regime. Exploiting these effects in functional ferroic materials results in a new paradigm of memory devices, revolutionising current computer architecture. Indeed, the latter is plagued by the Von Neumann bottleneck, where the physical separation between computing and memory units leads to an inherent …

Superfluid flow in channels

A superfluid transistor requires flow through a potentially disordered channel. This poster will provide an overview of research at UQ on the nonequilibrium flow of superfluids through two-dimensional channels. About the presenter Professor Matt Davis is a FLEET Chief Investigator at the University of Queensland. His research makes use of the methods of reservoirs and open quantum systems to drive …

Numerical modelling of the charge density wave state in TiSe2

The charge density wave (CDW) is an example of a low temperature phase of matter which occurs due to strongly correlated electrons. CDW materials are characterised by a periodic distortion of the atomic lattice, periodic modulation of the electronic charge distribution, and a complex order parameter. These materials have potential application in mechanical vibration detectors, optoelectric devices, information processing, memory, …

Strong signature of Landau level fan from high order moiré pattern in double aligned graphene heterostructures

In this work, we report the transport measurement of double aligned graphene heterostructures. We observe strong signature of Landau level fan of a second order moiré pattern due to the interference of the moiré patterns from top and bottom graphene surfaces. The periodicity of the second order moiré pattern is about double the maximum periodicity of moiré patterns in graphene …