Weyl excitations and arc surface states via helicon-phonon mixing in conducting materials

Quasiparticles with Weyl dispersion can display an abundance of novel topological, thermodynamic and transport phenomena, which is why novel Weyl materials and platforms for Weyl physics are being intensively looked for in electronic, magnetic, photonic and acoustic systems. We demonstrate that conducting materials in magnetic fields generically host Weyl excitations due to the hybridization of phonons with helicons, collective neutral …

Cold neutrons as a probe of quantum matter

In this poster I will review how cold neutrons can be used to detect the phonons, magnons and magnetic structure of quantum materials. As an example I will present measurements of the phonon bandstructure in graphene and Bi2Te3. I will discuss the upcoming upgrade to the ANSTO cold neutron source scheduled for 2024. About the presenter David Cortie is a …

Electron-phonon interactions in topologically protected conducting channel of atomically thin Bi (111)

Two-dimensional topological insulators possess a single conducting channel embedded inside the insulating bulk surface bandgap, which can be complicated to realize in practical devices due to electron-phonon interactions (EPI) at finite temperatures. Using single bilayer Bi (111) (SBB) and the first-principles method, we show that the EPI strongly depend on the edge states dispersion. Particularly, when the dispersion of the …

Quantum spin hall edge state transport in monolayer WTe2

Monolayer WTe2 has been predicted to have zero resistance along its 1D edge as backscattering is protected by time reversal symmetry. However, experiments reveal significant resistance at length scales of 100nm. This project aims to fabricate WTe2 devices and characterise the various scattering mechanisms along the quantum spin hall edge state. About the presenter Daniel McEwan is a PhD Student …

Time evolution of spatial coherence in exciton-polariton condensates

Exciton-polaritons (polaritons herein) are bosonic quasiparticles formed when an exciton is coupled to a cavity photon in a semiconductor microcavity [1]. These hybrid light-matter quasiparticles form Bose-Einstein condensates at elevated temperatures due to their very small effective mass. However, polariton condensates are inherently non-equilibrium because of the ultrashort lifetime of polaritons and coexistence with a reservoir of high-energy excitons feeding …

Theoretical modelling on new level crossings and electron-hole asymmetry in Landau octet of bilayer graphene

The highly tunable band structure and eightfold degeneracy of the zero-energy Landau level (zLL) of bilayer graphene (BLG) makes it an ideal platform for engineering new quantum Hall states, denoted by the orbital, valley, and spin quantum numbers. However, determining the filling sequence of these quantum states at different electric fields is still an unresolved question. We build an effective …

Measuring moire superstructures in twisted 2D materials at the nanoscale with STM

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) are atomically thin materials described by MX2, where M is a transition metal (like Mo or W) and X is a chalcogen atom (like S, Se or Te). A pair of twisted TMD monolayers makes a nanostructure. In this synthetic material a plethora of phenomena related to electronic correlations such as superconductivity, topological non-trivial effects or …

Signatures of Majorana zero modes in hybrid semiconducting-superconducting nanowires

The past decade has seen intense focus on realising hybrid semiconducting-superconducting nanowires which exhibit Majorana Zero Modes (MZMs) in a nontrivial topological phase. This has been particularly motivated by the non-Abelian statistics of MZMs and their application in performing topological quantum computation. A quantised zero-bias peak in conductance transport measurements is seen as the hallmark of MZMs. However, it has …

Extracting complex refractive indices of ultrathin molybdenum oxides using a micro-photonic integrated circuit chip

2D nanomaterials are promising in next-generation miniatured on-chip optical devices. However, their ultra-small thicknesses and limited lateral dimensions hinder the characterization using conventional techniques, especially for complex refractive indices measurement. Here, we propose a silicon photonics-enabled platform to evaluate the complex refractive indices of ultrathin 2D materials in a facile and reliable manner. Ultrathin molybdenum oxides (MoOx) with multiple stoichiometric …

Non-collinear antiferromagnetism induced flat band in two-dimentional CoBi2Te4

The interplay of the topology of electronic wavefunctions with spin configurations in intrinsically magnetic topological insulators (TIs) causes various exotic topological states, which attracts much attention in condensed matter physics. In this work, we study the magnetic and electronic properties and edge states of two-dimensional CoBi2Te4. Based on our density functional theory and tight-binding calculations, CoBi2Te4 films are predicted to …

New kind of magnetic oscillation in artificial crystals

Recent experiments on two-dimensional artificial crystals have revealed a set of magnetic oscillations with unexpected frequencies. We present a theory of these oscillations and show that they are of a kind not previously observed in artificial crystals or in real metals. In particular, we show that they arise from open electron trajectories. About the presenter Zeb Krix is a Research …

Transverse magnetic focusing with both light and heavy holes

The spatial separation of charge carriers with different spins is an important step towards building spintronics devices. Transverse magnetic focusing relies on large spin-orbit coupling to accomplish this task. Two-dimensional hole gases naturally exhibit large spin-orbit coupling and are therefore good candidates for realising transverse magnetic focusing based spin filters. However, in recent experiments, the correct interpretation of the different …

P-type Ohmic contact to monolayer WSe2 field-effect transistors using high electron affinity amorphous MoO3

Monolayer tungsten diselenide (1L-WSe2) has recently received attention because of its favourable band structure for probing novel correlated phenomena of p-type carriers, such as interaction-driven and topological insulating phases and superconductivity in twisted bilayers, and Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in double-layer heterostructures. However, electrical transport studies have been impeded by the lack of a reliable method to realize Ohmic hole-conducting …

Variational approach to the two-dimensional Bose Polaron

An impurity particle interacting with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) leads to the formation of a quasiparticle known as the Bose polaron. We investigate the properties of the two-dimensional Bose polaron, applying a variational ansatz that contains up to two Bogoliubov excitations of the BEC. Similar to its three-dimensional counterpart, we observe the existence of two quasiparticle branches, namely the attractive …

Undertake a research internship through APR.Intern

Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) is Australia’s only national PhD and Masters by Research internship program spanning all sectors and disciplines. APR.Intern connects postgraduate research students with industry through short-term placements, empowering students to thrive in a practical research environment. For businesses, APR.Intern is a platform to access Australia’s brightest emerging research talent and accelerate innovation. About the presenter Justin …

Efficient brightening of dark excitons in InSe atomic layers

Atomically-thin InSe exhibited strong PL emission from its dark excitons due to efficient acoustic-phonon-exciton coupling, resulting in high population density and efficient radiative recombination. The asymmetric lineshape observed in the PL emission is explained by the carrier localization model, attributed to nonuniform surface potentials. About the presenter Shao-Yu Chen is a Scientific Associate Investigator from the National Taiwan University, collaborating …

Microscopy theory of excitons bound by light

We investigate the formation of excitons bound by photons using a microscopic Hamiltonian involving quantum well electrons, holes, and microcavity photons. The negative reduced effective mass of the quantum well electron-hole (e-h) pair prevents Coulomb bound excitonic states, but the microcavity photon is capable of inducing binding. Using a theory based on Green’s functions we have calculated the spectral response …

New room-temperature 2D vdW ferromagnet

Two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) materials are materials whose crystal structure features neutral, single-atom-thick or polyhedral-thick layers of atoms with covalent or ionic bonding along two dimensions and van der Waals bonding along the third axis. The weak van der Waals bonding energies ( ̴40-70 meV) enable these 2D materials to be mechanically or chemically exfoliated into a few or …

Magnetism in thin films of the high entropy oxide La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3

In high entropy oxides, competition between many different magnetic exchange interactions leads to mixed magnetic states. We have grown thin films of La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 (L5BO), which normally shows an antiferromagnetic ground state, but this should shift to a ferromagnetic ground state as the concentration of Mn increases. We aim to investigate how L5BO performs as a spintronic oxide at the transition …

Trion splitting dynamics in gated WS2 monolyer

An electron doping dependent trion splitting in WS2 monolayer is reported. The corresponding mechanisms are discussed. About the presenter Leo Jia is a Research Fellow at Swinburne University with CI Jeff Davis, working on research projects as part of FLEET’s Research Theme 1, Topological Dissipationless.

Lengthening low disorder electrostatically defined quantum wires

Long one dimensional wires are a prerequisite for topological qubits – a form of qubit that is robust against decoherence[1]. Topological qubits utilise Majorana Zero Modes – a quasiparticle that is it’s own antiparticle. A majority of the work done on topological qubits have used one dimensional systems with high disorder[2][3][4]. Disorder masks the signatures of Majorana Zero Modes, making …

Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir

We investigate interactions between polaritons and a dark excitonic reservoir in a 2D system where the excitons are tightly-bound. The resulting energy spectrum is found to display several interesting features, including the appearance of a new energy mode related to a biexcitonic bound state, an apparent reduction in the Rabi splitting between the lower and upper polariton branches as the …

Controlling electron-electron correlations in gateable 2D metal-organic nanonstructures

The electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are largely dictated by their crystalline structure and can be fine-tuned by substituting metal or organic precursors for analogous counterparts (e.g. Cu atoms for Au atoms). One particular class of MOFs that form a 2D honeycomb-Kagome crystal are interesting for their potential to host correlated-electron phases. The aim of my project …

Dramatic increase of viscous effects in magnetohydrodynamics in graphene

Previously we developed theory to increase viscous effects in hydrodynamic flow in a GaAs heterostructure using 1D modulated superlattice of micromagnets. This work featured the extraordinary no-stress boundary condition that has only been experimentally realised in electron hydrodynamics in GaAs. We now extend this work to the more general finite-slip boundary condition and detail an experimental set up for monolayer …

Coherent backscattering in the topological Hall effect

The mutual interplay between electron transport and magnetism has attracted considerable attention in recent years, primarily motivated by strategies to manipulate magnetic degrees of freedom electrically, such as spin-orbit torques and domain wall motion. Within this field the topological Hall effect, which originates from scalar spin chirality, is an example of inter-band quantum coherence induced by real-space inhomogeneous magnetic textures, …

Topological hybrid electron-hole Cooper pairing

We consider the Cooper pairing of Dirac electrons and conventional holes that can be engineered in topological the insulator/quantum-well double layer heterostructures. The helical nature of Dirac electrons manifests in the presence of two (almost) degenerate channels for the Cooper pairing. Being stable and matastable, both of these states are characterized by distinct Chern numbers are topological condensates. We discuss …

Equatorial waves in rotating bubble-trapped superfluids

As the Earth rotates, the Coriolis force causes several oceanic and atmospheric waves to be trapped along the equator, including Kelvin, Yanai, Rossby, and Poincaré modes. It has been demonstrated that the mathematical origin of these waves is related to the nontrivial topology of the underlying hydrodynamic equations. Inspired by recent observations of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in bubble-shaped traps in …

Liquid metal planet-like nanodroplets

Liquid metal (LM) alloys are an interesting and emerging technology that holds a large potential in various applications. LM systems houses a sea of electrons in which holds potential in electronic based areas.1 For example, gallium-based alloys had widely been utilised in stretchable electronics and sensor-based technology research to date.1, 2 But what differentiates their uses depends entirely on their …

Higgs oscillations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas

Paul Dyke, Swinburne Ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions provide a versatile test bed for studying quantum many-body phenomena; unlocking new ways to study condensed matter physics in an environment free of defects. Here, we study the dynamics in a two-component strongly interacting Fermi gas following a quench of the inter-atomic interactions within the superfluid phase. This excites oscillations of ...

Effects of Floquet Engineering on the Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Monolayer WS2

Mitch Conway, Swinburne Coherent optical manipulation of electronic bandstructures via Floquet Engineering is a promising means to control quantum systems on an ultrafast timescale. However, the ultrafast switching on/off of the driving field comes with questions regarding the validity of the Floquet formalism, which is defined for an infinite periodic drive, and to what extent the transient changes can be ...

Publishing trends and the peer review process

Esther Levy, Wiley In this workshop, Esther will be giving an overview of publishing trends and the peer review process. She'll be sharing feedback received in the past, insights into scientific publishing and how to successfully publish your work. About the presenter Dr Esther Levy is Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials Technologies and Consulting Editor for Wiley’s flagship materials science journal ...

Atomistic self-assembly of nanostructure in liquid metals

Nicola Gaston, MacDiarmid Institute The manipulation of interatomic interactions for structural self-assembly is a seductive promise of nanotechnology, most tantalisingly made evident by biological examples in nature. Much of the promise of sustainability in materials science comes from the idea of such structural control being able to be achieved at low energetic cost. At the risk of anthropomorphising atoms, this ...

Celebrating FLEET’s diversity and inclusion

FLEET members at an annual workshop FLEET members originate from more than 31 countries and cultures. Let’s celebrate FLEET’s diversity and inclusion by sharing and getting to know the genuine humans we work with: 1. Sharing something about you: We will be cycling through slides of FLEET humans on the big screen throughout the workshop. Participate by simply sharing three ...

Room temperature polariton condensates in spin-coated perovskite microcavities

About the presenter Mitko Oldfield is an experimental physicist specialising in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and exciton-polariton condensation, working with A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin and Dr Gary Beane at Monash University within FLEET’s research theme 2 and research theme 3. Mikto’s research focuses on forming a polariton condensate in high Q-factor microcavities through the use of a terahertz pumping beam generated via …

Towards BEC-BKT crossover in a trapped polariton condensate

About the presenter Dr Eliezer Estrecho is a DECRA Fellow at the Australian National University and a Research Fellow of FLEET. His research interests are mainly on exciton-polariton condensates, non-Hermitian physics, and strong light-matter interaction, specifically between electronic excitations (excitons) and photonic modes.

Modelling charge transport in Al/AlOx/Al tunnel junctions

About the presenter Karen Bayros is a PhD student working with Jared Cole and Jackson Smith at RMIT where she models current flow through dielectric barriers in superconducting quantum bits. The influence of defects and imperfections can limit the dissipationless flow-through devices comprised of these barriers, and Karen uses advanced computational models to understand the interplay between the molecular structure …

Enhanced Itinerant Ferromagnetism in Hole-doped Transition Metal Oxides: Beyond the Canonical Double Exchange Mechanism

About the presenter Zhao is a Research Fellow in CI Nikhil Medhekar‘s group. After completing his PhD in 2018, Zhao is exploring magnetic materials and topological materials theoretically. He aims to understand the integration of magnetism and topology in 2D materials. This work fits the FLEET Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.

Apparent strange metal behavior in small angle twisted bilayer graphene

About the presenter AI Shaffique Adam is currently an Associate Professor, Yale-NUS College and an NRF Fellow. A/Prof Adam is an expert in the theoretical physics of Dirac systems. Within FLEET, he is working on gaining an understanding of the electronic transport and other properties of novel Dirac semimetals, as well as the conventional insulator to topological insulator transition in …

Responsible Innovation & Future of FLEET

About the presenter Dr Chris A. Browne’s research and teaching focus is on building the literacy of systems concepts in socio-technical problems including problem-solving methodology, and strategies for developing intuition of dynamic systems. These approaches are applied to broad application spaces, such as responsible innovation, healthcare, critical infrastructure, climate change and education. Chris holds a PhD, BEng(Hons) and BAsianStudies from …

Electric-field-control of broadband THz conductivity in graphene: from Drude to non-Drude regime

About the presenter Phat Tan Nguyen is a PhD student working under the supervision of A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin and Dr Gary Beane at Monash University, where he is investigating optically-driven topological phases of matter using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and pump-probe spectroscopy with sub-picosecond time resolution, and at the scale of a single atom. He is mainly involved in Research theme …


About the presenter Mitchell Conway is currently a research associate working with Dr Jeff Davis’s ultrafast spectroscopy group at Swinburne University of Technology. Mitch recently completed his PhD project working on modifying the electronic band structure of 2D materials by driving non-equilibrium states to realise 2D Floquet topological insulators. This work has contributed to Research Theme 3 light-transformed materials.

Polariton-electron scattering and trion resonance

About the presenter Sangeet Kumar is a PhD student working with FLEET Associate Investigators Jesper Levinsen and Dmitry Efimkin at Monash University. Sangeet works on Novel exciton-polariton systems for his PhD project to investigate the dynamics of excitons-polaritons in two-dimensional semiconductors, with a particular focus on interactions mediated by strong coupling to light. This work fits in FLEET Research Theme …

Effective dissipative light-matter coupling in nonideal cavities

About the presenter Dr Olivier Bleu is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working with Prof Meera Parish and Dr Jesper Levinsen at Monash University within FLEET’s Research themes 2: Exciton superfluids. His research interests include Berry curvature and related effects, topological photonics, Bose-Einstein condensates and exciton-polariton physics.

Fingerprint oscillations in a bulk-insulating 3D topological insulator

About the presenter Weiyao Zhao is a research fellow at Monash University, working with CI Julie Karel and Prof Xiaolin Wang under Enabling technology A: atomically-thin materials and Research theme 1. Weiyao studies single-crystal growth of topological materials, via optical floating zone, slow cooling, and chemical vapor transport methods. His current focus is fabrication of high-quality topological insulator single crystals, …

Bandgap and Exciton Energy Renormalization in Doped TMD

About the presenter Jack is a PhD candidate in CI Oleg Sushkov‘s group. His project aims to establish a theoretical groundwork for magnetohydrodynamics in 2D electron fluids using periodic micromagnets. This work fits the FLEET Enabling Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.

Layer-dependent electron-phonon interactions at the surface of MnBi2Te4

About the presenter Enamul is a PhD candidate in CI Nikhil Medhekar‘s group. His research specialises in the areas of advanced functional materials science within the field of computational materials science. Enamul’s project will focus on electron-phonon interactions in 2D topological insulators and their impact on the carrier transport. This work fits the FLEET Enabling Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.

Wave packet dynamics and emergent topological defect in non-Hermitian exciton polaritons

About the presenter Yow-Ming (Robin) Hu is an Honours student working with Chief Investigator Elena Ostrovskaya. Her project aims to characterise the topology of an exciton-polariton system and to show how to calculate and measure its quantum geometric tensor, including complex Berry curvature. This works towards a key objective of FLEET Research Theme 2 Exciton Superfluids to observe, theoretically and …


About the presenter Dr Paul Dyke is currently a research fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. Within FLEET, Dr Dyke is working in Research theme 3, he is experimentally studying Floquet topological superfluidity, non-equilibrium enhancements to superfluids and 2D topological insulators in synthetic dimensions.

Rapid exciton diffusion in non-fullerene acceptors and its implications for OPV device architectures and computational materials screening

About the presenter Prof Justin Hodgkiss uses ultrafast optical spectroscopy at the Victoria University of Wellington in search of molecular electronic materials for new, low-cost printable electronics – primarily solar cells. His group invented transient grating ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy and has used laser spectroscopy to develop a detailed understanding of the physics of photocurrent generation in printable solar cells. Prof …

What can I do to create an inclusive culture?

About the presenter Winitha Bonney is a leading global expert in helping purpose driven brands build inclusive cultures. She is also Australia’s first and foremost thought leader in leadership for Womxn and People of Colour. In 2021 she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for her extensive work in diversity and inclusion. Winitha has over 23 years of experience …

Growing and architecting liquid metal-derived crystals as electrocatalysts

About the presenter AI Dr Jianbo Tang is a Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW. His research focusses on the surface sciences and nanotechnology of liquid metals. He leverages liquid metals’ unique properties for developing nano/low-dimensional materials and interfacial patterns for next-generation electronics, optics, catalysis and sensing systems. Within FLEET, Dr Tang is …

Electrochemical Deposition of Metal Tellurides using Liquid-Metal Autogenous Surface Potential for Effective Electrochemical Sensing: Mechanism, Characterization, and Performance

About the presenter Maedehsadat Mousavi is a PhD candidate in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW, working with Prof Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh to investigate liquid metal-assisted synthesis and applications of topological insulators. Maedehsadat’s research falls within FLEET’s Enabling technology B: nano-device fabrication.

Fermi polaron approach to doped atomically thin semiconductors

About the presenter AI A/Prof Jesper Levinsen is currently an ARC Future Fellow at Monash University. As a theoretical physicist, within FLEET he works on topological Floquet superfluids and on the dynamical manipulation of superfluids with impurities.

Bose-Einstein Condensation effects in semiconductor lasers

About the presenter Dr Pieczarka is an experimental physicist working as an assistant professor at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST). Maciej works closely with FLEET Partner Investigator Professor Grzegorz Sęk at WUST, seeking high-temperature operation of exciton-polariton lasers based on AlGaAs compounds and additionally investigates the properties of room-temperature condensates light in laser cavities. Maciej has been a …

Spatially indirect exciton condensates

About the presenter Prof Francois Peeters is a member of FLEET’s International Scientific Advisory Committee. He leads the Condensed Matter Theory Group at the University of Antwerp and also distinguished Professor at Yunnan University. Prof Peeters has made seminal contributions in areas of meso- and nano-physics of semiconductors, two dimensional materials and superconductors. Currently, his interest is in two-dimensional atomic …

Proton intercalation induced phase transitions in van der Waals materials

About the presenter Cheng Tan is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher working on a FLEET industry project He recently finished his PhD, working with Prof Lan Wang (RMIT) to study Van der Waals (vdW) magnetic materials and heterostructures for their potential in quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) devices within FLEET’s Research theme 1 and Enabling technology B. In such …

Strong electron correlations in a two-dimensional kagome metal-organic framework

About the presenter Benjamin Lowe is a PhD student at Monash University where he works in Research theme 1 with A/Prof Agustin Schiffrin studying the self-assembly of metal-organic systems using a state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopy (SPM)facility that allows metal-organic systems to be engineered and probed with atomic-scale precision. He seeks to develop systems with electronic and opto-electronic properties that are …

Engineering order-disorder transitions at the surface of topological insulators

About the presenter Abdulhakim is a PhD student working with Associate Investigator David Cortie to undertake a PhD focused on magnetic materials,ion beam implantation techniques, modification of topological insulators, and device fabrication using focused ion beam microscope.

Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir

About the presenter Kenneth is a PhD candidate in CI Meera Parish‘s group. His research aims to investigate the interactions between excitons (or exciton-polaritons), and 2-D electron gas, with a view to inducing a collective, dissipationless flow of charged bosons: exciton-mediated superconductivity.

The Emergence of Superfluidity in Ultracold Fermi Gases

About the presenter Emma is a Women in FLEET Fellow and postdoctoral researcher in CI Matthew Davis‘ group, and also directly connects with research being conducted by CI Chris Vale. She is currently studying the dynamics of the emergence of superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases.

The concept of the brain

About the presenter Michael Ibbotson is a neuroscientist and Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Melbourne. Originally from the UK, Michael obtained his PhD from The University of London before moving to the Australian National University, where he held an Australian Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Michael’s leadership roles include Head of the Visual Sciences Department …

Invited: Research Translation Journeys

  About the presenter Jonathan Lacey has been involved with technology commercialization since the late 1980s, as a researcher and inventor, product champion, investor and entrepreneur; at universities, large corporations and start-ups. He had 10 years experience working in Silicon Valley with HP-Broadcom. He joined CSIRO in 2011 to drive commercialization of the NGARA wireless communications technologies, and more recently …

Closing the Gap: Data-driven workforce models for Australian STEMM academia

About the presenter ARC Laureate Fellow Lisa Kewley, a professor of Astrophysics at ANU and is also director of the ASTRO 3D Centre of Excellence. Prof Kewley has a deep interest in gender equity and what institutions can do to enable female academics. Through a suite of recruitment and retention initiatives, Lisa and her team at Astro3D is very close to …

Polariton pillar cavity: polarization, interactions, correlations

  About the presenter Dr Olivier Bleu is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working with A/Prof Meera Parishand Dr Jesper Levinsen at Monash University within FLEET’s Research themes 2: Exciton superfluids. His research interests include Berry curvature and related effects, topological photonics, Bose-Einstein condensates and exciton-polariton physics.

Towards contacting monolayer TMDC through touch-printed Ga2O3 tunnel barriers

  About the presenter One of the three inaugural Women in FLEET fellows, Dr Semonti Bhattacharyya is contributing to FLEET Research theme 1, topological materials, Research theme 2, exciton superfluids and Enabling technology theme A, atomically-thin materials, working with Prof Michael Fuhrer. As an experimental condensed matter physicist, she has worked extensively on electrical transport properties of topological materials and …

Intrinsic and extrinsic effects on Dirac fermions in graphene covered by Ga2O3

  About the presenter Matthew Gebert is a PhD student in Prof Michael Fuhrer’s group at Monash University, investigating the interface between the 2D surface state of a 3D topological insulator (TI) with a thin, insulating ferromagnetic material. The aims of the project are to understand the effects of time-reversal symmetry breaking on the topological insulator and to investigate the …

Synthesis of molybdenum-based two-dimensional materials with liquid metal

About the presenter Yifang Wang is a PhD student working with Prof Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh at UNSW. Yifang has a Masters in inorganic chemistry (South China University of Technology), focusing on the room-temperature synthesis of 2D-materials via interfacial reactions such as between liquid metal and air. “By conducting this research project, we hope to offer a new paradigm for 2D material …

Invited: Exciton-polaritons and exciton-polariton lattices

About the presenter PI Prof Sven Höfling oversees the design and fabrication of highly customised semiconductor samples for Research Theme 2 on exciton and exciton-polariton systems, as well as contribute his extensive expertise in all aspects of exciton-polariton physics.

Inducing superconductivity in organic-inorganic hybrid materials

About the presenter Prof Shuyun Zhou received her PhD in Physics from University of California at Berkeley in 2007. From 2008 to 2012, she was a postdoc fellow of the Advanced Light Source and a project scientist of Materials Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She joined the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University in 2012. Shuyun Zhou’s research …

Invited: Joanna Batstone – Artificial intelligence and data science for social good

About the presenter Prof Joanna Batstone Directs the Monash Data Futures Institute, coordinating data-science and artificial-intelligence (AI) capabilities from across the University in a digital ecosystem fostering collaborative interdisciplinary research and promoting lasting industry engagements. Previously at IBM where she held a variety of technical and business-leadership roles in R&D, innovation and corporate strategy, data analytics and AI, she is passionate ...

Invited Colloquium

About the presenter Sir Kostya Novoselov is Langworthy Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester and a Director of the National Graphene Institute. His work with Andrew Geim to isolate graphene for the first time has earned them a Nobel Prize in Physics 2010. Sir Kostya International recognition for his work in condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics and nanotechnology …

Tuning the Edge States of Bismuthene via Substrate Effects

About the presenter Chutian Wang is a PhD student working with A/Prof Nikhil Medhekar at Monash University, using fundamental quantum mechanical simulations to investigate the electronic structure of topological insulator materials under Research Theme 1, topological materials.

Non-equilibrium dynamics of a quenched Fermi gas

About the presenter Dr Paul Dyke is currently a research fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. Within FLEET, Dr Dyke is working in Research theme 3, he is experimentally studying Floquet topological superfluidity, non-equilibrium enhancements to superfluids and 2D topological insulators in synthetic dimensions.

Determination of the spin quantization axis of helical edge states in monolayer WTe2

  Monolayer WTe2 is predicted to be a quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) and the quantized edge transport has recently been demonstrated. However, the ‘smoking gun’ signature of a QSHI, spin-momentum locking of the helical edge states, has yet to be experimentally validated. Here, we propose a model and show that the spin quantization axis of the helical edge states …

A Generalized Model for Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators – Theory and Potential Applications in Topological Electronics

Quantum anomalous Hall effect, a member of quantum Hall trio featured with gapped bulk band dispersion and chiral edge propagating modes, is indebted to strong intrinsic magnetisation and large spin-orbit interaction. Depending upon the nature of exchange interaction and spin-orbit interaction, several theoretical models have been proposed for the realization of quantum anomalous Hall effect in various materials. Symmetry analysis shows …

Progress towards robust and reproducible topologically nontrivial lithographically-defined electronic devices in semiconductor nanostructures

Nanodevices with controllable, topologically non-trivial phases have the potential to enable the development of electronic devices with ultra-low energy dissipation. This talk will discuss progress towards this goal in the framework of reproducible and robust topologically non-trivial phases in lithographically-defined nanostructures in high-mobility semiconductor heterostructures. Topological phases in a 2D system such as the quantum spin hall effect where the …

Long-lived populations of momentum- and spin-indirect excitons in monolayer WSe2

In monolayer WSe2, the ground-state exciton is dark (D exciton, spin-indirect), and the valley degeneracy allows low-energy dark momentum-indirect excitons (XK exciton) to form. Interactions between the dark excitons and the optically accessible bright exciton (X) are likely to determine X exciton’s optical properties at high power and limit the ultimate exciton densities be achieved. However, so far, little is …

Creation of certain topological insulators on the interface of liquid metals

Recent studies have predicted a topologically insulating state in some of the two-dimensional (2D) post transition metals and metalloids (here referred to as Xenes). This family of materials includes tellurene (Te), selenene (Se), antimonene (Sb), bismuthene (Bi), and stanene (Sn); some of which have been predicted to host nontrivial quantum spin hall states, with insulating sheet interiors and conducting states …

Overcoming Boltzmann’s Tyranny in a Transistor via the Topological Quantum Field Effect

  I will give a brief introduction to semiconductor transistors and the way they work at low energy, including the notion of sub threshold slope and Boltzmann’s tyranny. Following on from that I will discuss the way a topological transistor is envisaged to work and how we may define a sub threshold slope for it. I will then introduce our …

A new Measure: the Revolutionary Quantum Reform of the Metric System

  On 20 May 2019, World Metrology Day, the international metrology community adopted revolutionary changes to the International System of Units (the SI, or Metric System) wherein all of the base units of measure are defined by fixing the values of constants of nature. The SI is now firmly based on quantum methods of measurement. This talk will discuss why …

Strong electron-electron interactions in a 2D organic kagome crystal

  Two-dimensional (2D) and layered materials with a kagome crystal structure – where atoms or molecules are arranged in corner-sharing equilateral triangles – host both Dirac and flat electronic bands, offering a rich space to realise tuneable topological and strongly correlated electronic phases. Strong electron-electron correlations have been observed recently in inorganic kagome crystals. Although predicted theoretically, such phenomena have …

Topological shift current in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides

Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with broken inversion symmetry have shown unique optical response properties. We calculate the topological phase shift of MoS2 as a prototype of TMDs systems involving the Berry connection in the presence of inter-valley scattering processes. Our results are based on two alternative approaches; quantum kinetic theory where we calculate the non-equilibrium distribution function of each …

Artificial bandstructure engineering using lithographically patterned superlattices

The field of 2D materials is rapidly developing from scotch taping graphite to isolate a single layer of carbon atoms – graphene, to assembling stacks of different 2D materials – 2D heterostructures, towards aligning individual 2D layers to create an artificial lattice, so called Moiré lattice. The accurate control of a twist angle between the 2D layers allows to change …

Transport measurements in amorphous Bi2Te3

Amorphous materials have recently been theoretically predicted to have topologically protected states [1,2]. These results are contrary to the well understood mechanisms that topological states originate from a material’s electronic band structure which requires certain symmetries to be present. Additionally, amorphous materials often allow for the synthesis of non-equilibrium compositions or doping concentrations that are not accessible in crystalline systems. …

Electric field manipulation of spin texture and magnetic response in Dirac semimetals

Three-dimensional Dirac semimetals (3D DSM) such as Cd3As2, Na3Bi show great potential as the next-generation platform for spintronic devices. The capability of these materials is derived from their key properties including a sizable gap allowing thermal stability at room temperature, and a helical spin texture for non-magnetic manipulation of spin/charge with low energy consumption. Therefore, in realizing the application the DSMs, …