Coherent dynamics and band structure control in monolayer WS2

Using ultrafast laser pulses we demonstrate adiabatic control of the bandstructure of monolayer WS2 through Floquet engineering. In other words the periodic electric field of the laser pulse dresses the Bloch bands of the semiconductors. Interactions between the dressed bands then cause energy shifts, avoided crossings and the potential to induce a topological phase transition. The use of coherent spectroscopy …

Using Light to Probe and Manipulate Topologically Non-Trivial States

  In this talk I will present the case for using high-electric field, ultrashort femtosecond pulses of light to controllably switch the behaviour of topologically interesting systems such as the Dirac semimetal, graphene. I will also outline our research efforts in this space and why quasi-single cycle terahertz probe pulses provide a unique window into the dynamics and optical properties …

Electronic properties of highly ordered wide bandgap intrinsic magnetic topological insulator thin films

Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators offer the potential of low disorder and large magnetic bandgaps for robust magnetic topological phases operating at higher temperatures, enabling observation of phenomena such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) and axion insulator phases [1,2]. However, these observations occur at temperatures significantly lower than the Neel temperature of bulk MnBi2Te4, and measurement of the magnetic energy …

Interactions and correlations in exciton-polariton systems

I will give an update on recent theoretical progress in understanding the nature of interactions in exciton-polariton systems. About the presenter CI A/Prof Meera Parish develops many-body theories that span electron-hole systems and ultracold atomic gases. In Research Theme 2, she is investigating the fundamental properties of exciton-polariton condensates, while in Research Theme 3, she is studying quantum systems out of …

Double Moire superlattices in hBN encapsulated graphene

Isolation of monolayer and few-layer graphene and other two-dimensional materials provides an opportunity to fabricate new types of heterostructures by stacking them layer by layer in a designed sequence [1]. Previous studies show that putting a graphene on a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrate could form a Moiré pattern which generates a periodic potential and creates new Dirac points in …

Room-temperature polaritonics in FLEET

Exciton-polaritons (polaritons herein) are bosonic quasiparticles with unique physical properties arising from strong coupling between excitons and confined photons. Since their first demonstration, exciton-polaritons became a convenient platform for studies of collective quantum effects such as Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. To date, the most striking effects were cleanly demonstrated in GaAs- based microcavities due to the very low defect densities …

Micromagnetic manipulation of resistance in a 2-dimensional viscous electron flow

Electron transport in most solid state systems is dominated by extrinsic factors, such as sample geometry and scattering from impurities, and is essentially independent of the intrinsic properties of the electron system. An exception is the hydrodynamic regime, where Coulomb interactions transform the electron motion from independent particles to the collective motion of a viscous ‘electron fluid’. The fluid viscosity …

Quantum Hall steps and Massive Dirac Fermion in Sm,Fe:Bi2Se3 single crystals

Intrinsic TIs are nonmagnetic or antiferromagnetic materials, possessing linear dispersed surface states with helical-textured spin configuration. With ferromagnetic ordering, a so-called massive Dirac state is achieved, in which the spin texture near Dirac gap is hedgehog like. Particularly, with fully spin polarization at Fermi surface, one can obtained the half-metallic TI, which should also exhibite the massive Dirac states, and …

Anisotropic ion conduction in van der Waals ferroelectrics: Implications for emergent electronic device design

Two-dimensional layered materials have been at the forefront of material research ever since the discovery of graphene about a decade ago. The dangling-bond-free lattice has made it feasible to integrate these materials with highly disparate atomic layers, such as industrial silicon substrates, to create a wide spectrum of van der Waals heterostructures without the constraints of lattice matching and processing …

High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy to understand topological materials

With a strong chemical sensitivity, high-resolution high angle annular dark field (HADDF)-scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is widely used for acquiring detailed structural information in materials. The precise displacement of B-site ions with respect to the center of A-site ions in perovskites can be further mapped which is direct evidence for topological structures. As the topological entities have great potential …

Universal scaling of a quenched 2D Bose gas

We numerically study the phase ordering dynamics of a uniform 2D Bose gas following a quench into the superfluid phase, using the classical field methodology. We explore the crossover between conservative and dissipative evolution, finding clear evidence for universal behaviour in the dynamics, regardless of the dissipation strength. This universal behaviour manifests as a power-law growth of the correlation length …

Realisation of Wide Bandgap Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator in Ultra-thin MnBi2Te4 and Bi2Te3 Heterostructures

The recently discovered anti-ferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 (MBT) has been proved to host rich topological phases such as quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) and axion insulator phase in its thin films. A transition from a large gap 2D Ferromagnetic (FM) insulator in 1 Septuple layer (SL) to 5SL QAH insulator has been reported [1]. 1SL MBT has a wide gap exceeding …

Nanoscale topological defects in ferroelectric thin films Topology and control of self-assembled domain patterns in low-dimensional ferroelectrics

  Whilst often discussed as non-trivial phases of low-dimensional ferroelectrics, modulated polar phases such as the dipolar maze and the nano-bubble state have been appraised as essentially distinct. Here we emphasize their topological nature and show that these self-patterned polar states, but also additional mesophases such as the disconnected labyrinthine phase and the mixed bimeron-skyrmion phase, can be fathomed in …

Disruption of helical edge states in topological insulators by magnetic impurities

Topological insulators (Tis) are a promising candidate for future low-energy electronics technologies, and the 2D or quantum spin hall (QSH) insulator (Bernevig, 2006) has attracted much attention for its 2e^2/h conductance regardless of width. This conductance is characterised by two helical edge states that have correlated spin polarization and momenta (Qi, 2011). This correlation acts to explicitly prevent backscatter, as …

Topotactic Phase Transformation in Epitaxial SrCo0.67Fe0.33O3−δ Thin Films

About the presenter Hien Nguyen is a PhD candidate in materials science and engineering working with Prof Jan Seidel at UNSW Sydney, where she studies nanoscale properties of multiferroic materials and growth of atomically thin films by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates, and investigates electric, magnetic properties of these materials as well as phase transitions and topotactic transformations in …

Polariton-Polariton Interaction: a four-body calculation

About the presenter Dr Guangyao Li is a postdoc researcher working with A/Prof Meera Parish and Dr Jesper Levinsen at Monash University within FLEET’s Research themes 2 (exciton superfluids) and 3 (light-transformed materials). His research interests include dynamics of polariton condensates, chiral states at exceptional points, topological excitations in open-dissipative superfluid, and the spin-orbit interaction of light.

Kondo effect in a 2D Kagome metal-organic framework on a metal

About the presenter Dhaneesh Kumar Gopalakrishnan is an PhD student working with Dr Agustin Schiffrin at Monash University. Within FLEET’s research theme 1 and Enabling technology theme A, Dhaneesh synthesises and characterises 2D organic-based materials, searching for those that exhibit topological electronic properties. Synthesis and characterisation of these materials are carried out in the state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopy set-up in …

Electronic and Optical Properties of BiInO3 thin films

About the presenter Dr Daniel Sando is a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof Nagy Valanoor at UNSW to fabricate and characterise topological materials for FLEET’s Research Theme 1 and Enabling technology theme A. Dr Sando’s research is focused on the growth of 2-dimensional electron systems (2DES) comprising oxide perovskite materials LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). A specific …

Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Metal-Organic Lattices on Substrates

About the presenter Bernard is pursuing a PhD with CIs Agustin Schiffrin and Nikhil Medhekar, working on calculating the properties of novel electronic materials using ab initio (first principles) calculations with density functional theory within FLEET’s Research Theme 1. In 2018, Bernard received the Rodney L Turner Prize for the Best Honours Thesis in Physics and Astronomy, and the JJ …

Atomic-Scale Evidence of Surface-Catalyzed Gold-Carbon Covalent Bonding

About the presenter Benjamin Lowe is a PhD student at Monash University where he works in Research theme 1 with Dr Agustin Schiffrin studying the self-assembly of metal-organic systems using a state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopy (SPM)facility that allows metal-organic systems to be engineered and probed with atomic-scale precision. He seeks to develop systems with electronic and opto-electronic properties that are …

Aharonov-Bohm interference as a probe of Majorana fermions

About the presenter Tommy is a PhD student and condensed matter theoretical physicist at RMIT university under the supervision of Jared Cole. Within FLEET he works in Research theme 1: topological materials.

Coherent dynamics and excitation density dependence in exciton-polaritons system

About the presenter Tatek Lemma is a PhD student working with CI Jeff Davis in FLEET’s Research Theme 3 and in Research theme 2. For his PhD, he is working on the investigation of topological phase transition in a 2D semiconductor using the state-of-the-art Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy.

Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy to reveal interactions in strongly correlated materials

About the presenter Rishabh Mishra is a PhD Student working with A/Prof Jeff Davis‘s Ultrafast Spectroscopy group at Swinburne University of Technology. Contributing to FLEET’s Research Theme 3, Light-transformed Materials, Rishabh and Jeff aim to study the electronic correlations and ultrafast coherent dynamics in non-equilibrium quantum matter using coherent multi-dimensional spectroscopy.

Oxidation Kinetics of WTe2 Surfaces in Different Environments

About the presenter Dr Pankaj Sharma is a postdoctoral research associate working with A/Prof Jan Seidel at UNSW. Dr Sharma’s expertise lies in the area of scanning probe microscopy techniques and ferroelectric complex-oxides. Within FLEET, Dr Sharma is working on electric-field induced controlled rewritable manipulation of topological interfaces such as ferroelectric domain walls, and LaAlO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interfaces at the nanometre length …

Non-collinear magnetism in oxide superlattices

About the presenter Oliver is a PhD student studying with Nagarajan Valanoor (UNSW). Oliver specialises in fabrication and characterisation of thin film heterostructures. He uses pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and laser molecular beam epitaxy (LMBE) to fabricate the desired materials, and uses high-resolution X-ray diffraction, piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), magnetometry and neutron scattering in characterization of the materials. In terms …

Toward high-performance tungsten diselenide field-effect transistors

About the presenter Yi-Hsun Chen is an experimental physicist working with Prof Michael Fuhrer and Dr Chen Shao-Yu at Monash University, where he researches Bose-Einstein condensates using devices constructed using 2D materials, seeking exciton superfluids in 2D material quantum wells. His research falls under FLEET research theme 2 exciton superfluids. For his PhD project, he is using 2D materials to create …

Topological spin-plasma waves at the interface of a topological insulator and a magnet

About the presenter Dr Dmitry Efimkin is a Scientific Associate Investigator at Monash University specialising in novel materials such as Dirac materials, graphene and topological insulators, and optical phenomena in solids. Within FLEET, Dmitry works with Michael Fuhrer, Meera Parish, and Nkhil Medhekar in Research theme 2: exciton superfluids and Enabling technology A: atomically-thin materials, studying optical and collective phenomena …

Coherent Dynamics in WS2 monolayers

We use two-colour pump probe spectroscopy to investigate the dynamics of WS2 monolayers on the femtosecond timescale,  observing evidence of coherent behaviour during the overlap of the pulses for both sub- and above-bandgap pump pulses. The Optical Stark effect is found to be the cause in the case of the sub-bandgap pump, while experiments using an above-bandgap pump pulse are on-going. About ...

Dynamic conductivity in ferroelectric bubble domains

About the presenter Vivasha Govinden is a PhD student working with Prof Nagy Valanoor at UNSW to investigate ferroelectric coupling with the introduction of a spacer between ferroelectric thin films, leading to exotic ferroelectric domains that can contribute to a giant electromechanical response. An enhanced electromechanical response is key to applications in nanoelectronic sensors, memory and logic devices and electromechanical …

Engineering low-loss phonon polaritons in anisotropic 2D materials

About the presenter Qingdong Ou is a research fellow working with Prof Michael Fuhrer at Monash University to study nano-device fabrication based on 2D materials, within FLEET’s Enabling technology B. Qingdong is seeking to minimize energy losses in light-matter interactions, aiming to realise ultra-low energy consumption in 2D-semiconductor-based optoelectronics. He also studies carrier behaviour via microscale photoluminescence and photocurrent mapping, and …

Josephson effects in nanoscale devices

About the presenter Karen Bayros is a PhD student working with Jared Cole and Jackson Smith at RMIT where she models current flow through dielectric barriers in superconducting quantum bits. The influence of defects and imperfections can limit the dissipationless flow-through devices comprised of these barriers, and Karen uses advanced computational models to understand the interplay between the molecular structure …

Simulations of ultrafast coherent multidimensional spectroscopy on a Floquet system

About the presenter Jack Muir is a PhD student working with Assoc Prof Jeffrey Davis’ ultrafast spectroscopy group at Swinburne FLEET node, contributing to Research Theme 2. In his project, Jack aims to explore the ultrafast dynamics of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide van der Waals heterostructures, with a particular interest in the effects of Moire potentials.

LiLateral gating of 2D electron gas on cross-sectional LAO/STO

About the presenter Fan Ji is a PhD student working with A/Prof Jan Seidel at UNSW. Her research focuses on understanding and improving the nanoscale functionality of oxide heterostructures such as LAO/STO by means of scanning-probe based nanolithography and characterisation methods. She also explores reversible control of the two-dimensional electron gas at oxide interfaces and its applicability to quantum devices. …

Progress Towards The Australian Quantum Gas Microscope

About the presenter Allan Pennings is a PhD Student working with Prof Chris Vale and Dr Sascha Hoinka, with the goal of building the Australian Quantum Gas Microscope. Contributing to FLEET’s Research Theme 3, Light-transformed Materials, his project focused on different techniques of dark field imaging with X-rays. Allan recently completed his Honours at Monash followed a Bachelor of Science (Physics) …

Magnetic Breakdown In Artificial Superlattices

About the presenter Zeb Krix is a PhD student at UNSW, where he studies the theory behind artificial graphene and artificial topological insulators, which are 2D materials with an imposed superlattice structure. Zeb models such systems in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field in order to improve understanding of the relevant electronic transport measurements. This work is closely linked …

Transverse magnetic focusing in a two-dimensional electron gas

About the presenter Yik-Kheng Lee is a PhD student at RMIT University, working with Prof Jared Cole, following his Honours project with FLEET which was on modelling the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas. His research interests are in the field of topological materials, under FLEET’s research theme 1.

CryoTEM study on beam-sensitive Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ van der Waals crystal and its modification by lithium

About the presenter Peng Liu is a Research Associate with CI Xiaolin Wang at the University of Wollongong. He works within FLEET’s Research theme 1 and Enabling technology theme A. He is exploring the structural and transport properties of 2D superconducting materials, with focus in electric-field gating and transmission electron microscopy.

Mechanical manipulation of ferroelectricity for low-energy technology

About the presenter Peggy Schoenherr is an experimentalist physicist with Prof Jan Seidel (UNSW), where she studies materials’ magnetic, electric and mechanical properties at the nanoscale using room-temperature and low-temperature atomic force microscopy.  The materials investigated span a wide range from superconductors to skyrmion systems to ferroic materials, with all of them potentially exhibiting the topological structures (domain walls, vortices, …

Waveform synthesis for attosecond metrology

About the presenter Matthew Weidman is a group leader working with PI Ferenc Krausz at the Max-Planck institute of Quantum Optics.

Nonreciprocal signal propagation in magnetic thin films with nonuniform exchange

About the presenter Dr Karen Livesey is a theoretical condensed matter physicist based at the University of Newcastle and is a Scientific Associate Investigator in FLEET. Her research interests are in (i) exotic behaviours in magnetic thin films, and (ii) magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. It is the first research area (magnetic thin films) that overlaps with the research themes within FLEET. Her …

Non-equilibrium dynamics of a quenched Fermi gas

About the presenter Dr Ivan Herrera is a Research Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology who performs experimental research to investigate universal phenomena at the few-body and many-body level in ultracold 2D gases of fermionic atoms. Ivan works within Research Theme 3: Light-transformed materials with CI Chris Vale.

Anomalous drag in electron-hole condensates with granulated order

About the presenter Dr Hong Liu is currently working with CI Nikhil Medhekar and AI Dmitry Efimkin, exploring spin-orbit coupling and interaction effect in topological materials theoretically. As a member of Research theme 1 team, she aims to understand the criteria for protection against dissipation and also include the operational criteria for achieving dissipationless transport.

Thermal Hall effect from topological magnon-polarons

About the presenter Dr Harley Scammell is a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof Oleg Sushkov at UNSW on the theory of artificial graphene in FLEET’s Research Theme 1, topological materials. Dr Scammell’s research focusses on the interplay of various tuning parameters – such as strain and spin-orbit coupling – on the electronic properties of artificial graphene. Key considerations are additional, …

Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in Dirac Materials

Classical electromagnetism is linear, however  strong fields varying slowly at the electron rest energy scale, polarize the quantum vacuum and give rise to nonlinear phenomena, such as scattering or splitting of photons and birefringence. These effects become relevant only in very strong fields that exist in exotic environments e.g. in the vicinity of heavy nuclei or neutron stars. We show …

Ultrafast optical control of topological invariants in 2D materials

About the presenter Phat Tan Nguyen is a PhD student working under the supervision of Dr Agustin Schiffrin and Dr Gary Beane at Monash University, where he is investigating optically-driven topological phases of matter using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and pump-probe spectroscopy with sub-picosecond time resolution, and at the scale of a single atom. He is mainly involved in Research theme …

Ultrafast Exciton-Polariton Dynamics in Microcavity Structures

About the presenter Mitko Oldfield is an experimental physicist specialising in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and exciton-polariton condensation, working with Dr Agustin Schiffrin and Dr Gary Beane at Monash University within FLEET’s research theme 2 and research theme 3. Mikto’s research focuses on forming a polariton condensate in high Q-factor microcavities through the use of a terahertz pumping beam generated via …

Epitaxial graphene on cubic silicon carbide: transport, tunability and HF

About the presenters Dr Aiswarya Pradeepkumar and PhD student David Katzmarek work with Prof Francesca Iacopi, head of Communications and Electronics, in the Faculty of Engineering and IT, UTS. Within FLEET, Francesca is an associate investigator working on graphene for low-energy electronic devices. She also liaises with the IRDS, advising potential applications and integration strategies for novel technologies generated by FLEET …

Measurement of the non-Hermitian topological invariant in perovskite-based exciton polaritons

About the presenter Eliezer Estrecho studies the behaviour of exciton-polaritons as part of FLEET’s research theme 2, exciton superfluids, working with Elena Ostrovskaya at the ANU. He is currently studying condensation of polaritons in gallium-arsenide-based microcavities using single-shot experiments and large optically induced traps. He is also working on creating polariton condensates using atomically-thin materials.

Anomalous Hall Effect in Mn3Ge films

About the presenter Wafa Afzal is a PhD student and experimental condensed-matter physicist working with Prof Xiaolin Wang at the University of Wollongong, with experience in thin-films of magnetic nanoparticle dispersions in polymers, and has studied surface and magnetic states of these films using atomic force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy. For her PhD within FLEET’s Enabling Technology Theme A …

Magnetoresistance Measurements of Polycrystalline and Amorphous Bi2Te3 Thin Films

About the presenter Alexander Nguyen is a materials engineer working with Dr Julie Karel at Monash University, where he performs magnetoelectronic transport measurements on amorphous topological insulators within FLEET’s research theme 1 and enabling technology B. An important aim is to experimentally realise topologically-protected states in an amorphous material, which may offer some benefits over crystalline materials.  Another major career …

Diisopropylamine-enabled fabrication of high-quality 2D heterostructures

About the speakerDr Shao-Yu Chen is a research fellow working with Prof Michael Fuhrer at Monash University to realising Bose-Einstein Condensation of tightly bound excitons in 2D semiconductors. He has extensive research experiences on transport and optical measurement on 2D materials including graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). In particular, he has investigated strong Coulomb interaction and many-body correlation in …

Unconscious bias unplugged

FLEET members at the 2019 annual workshop spent time looking into their own unconscious bias, with a view to better identifying and heading off this in-built, prevalent bias. To help FLEET become more aware of unconscious bias and other barriers to cultural and gender diversity, every FLEET member must attend at least one training workshop or training session in Equity, …

Poster Session 2

First nameSurnameTitlePoster Number DimitrieCulcerMagneto-resistance of topological edge states64 GolAkhgarInvestigating Electronic Structure of Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator: MnBi2Te424 YonatanAshlea AlavaPatterning GaAs heterostructures using anodic oxidation towards the fabrication of Artificial Graphene32 PatjareeAukarasereenont2D TeO2 - a novel high mobility wide bandgap semiconductor22 SemontiBhattacharyyaTowards contacting monolayer TMDC through touch-printed Ga2O3 tunnel barriers16 OlivierBleuQuantum theory of a weakly interacting exciton-polariton condensate44 Shao-YuChenIn situ monitoring ...

Poster Session 1

First nameSurnameTitlePoster Number WafaAfzalMn3Sn films27 GolAkhgarSignatures of Helical Edge Transport in Millimetre-Scale Thin Films of Na3Bi3 ShivananjuBannur NanjundaUltrasensitive and ultrafast optical biosensors based on 2D materials53 TommyBartoloInterplay of Aharonov-Bohm interference and signatures of Majorana fermions25 GaryBeaneTowards the THz time-domain spectroscopy of graphene21 PankajBhallaResonant photovoltaic effect in doped magnetic semiconductors45 SamuelBladwellValley separation via trigonal warping49 MarinaCastelliSurface assisted molecule-molecule hybridization15 Shao-YuChenMany-body correlation ...

Coherent Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Materials

Using Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy (MDCS), we have revealed quantum superpositions among low energy states in an optimally doped cuprate superconductor that remain coherent for more than 500fs.  This observation points to a strong correlation between the low energy modes (e.g. phonons, magnons, charge density waves, or many body electron states, etc) and the optically excited states.  These correlations are mediated …

Unconscious Bias Unplugged

Designed to debunk the myths around unconscious bias and to help you better understand what can be done in a workplace to ensure that biases (conscious or unconscious) are neutralised. This session discusses: 1.Diversity and inclusion 2.What unconscious bias is 3.How humans process information 4.Ways to identify areas of unconscious bias 5.Micro aggressions 6.Some of the impacts of unconscious bias …

Materials Research in the Electronics Industry

The electronics industry has led the development of new materials to support the scaling of silicon device technology to meet the ever-demanding Moore’s law [i] over the last 70 years. Silicon dioxide is a prime example of such scaling from a thickness of several hundred nanometers to about 2 nm at the end of the 1990’s. At that time nitrogen …

Precision measurements of elementary excitations in a unitary Fermi gas

The study of many-body quantum systems with strong inter-particle interactions is of great interest for the understanding of novel materials. Ultracold atomic gases allow the precise tuning of interactions between atoms via a Feshbach resonance. We experimentally realise such gases with fermionic atoms at unitarity exhibiting the strongest interactions allowed by quantum mechanics. Using two-photon Bragg spectroscopy, we study the …

Synthesis and Atomic-Scale Characterization of Superconducting van-der-Waals Heterostructures

The emergence of atomically thin materials post graphene, has opened up new avenues for the engineering of electronic states via van-der-Waals heterostructures. For instance, tunable large bandgap 2D topological insulators, such as quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulators, have recently shown promise for device applications above 100K. On the other extreme of temperature, van-der-Waals heterostructures of QSH insulators can offer a …

Staying Well in Academia

Working in academia is both an exciting and challenging experience. It can be an emotional roller-coaster. The excitement of working on something you care about, sharing ideas with students and colleagues and making a contribution to knowledge. The challenges of feeling isolated and overwhelmed, dealing with setbacks, uncertainty, conflict and loss of motivation. Inevitably over the course of your career …

Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature

Prof. David Neilson, University of Antwerp Although there is strong theoretical and experimental evidence for electron-hole superfluidity in separated sheets of electrons and holes at low T, extending superfluidity to high T is limited by strong 2D fluctuations and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless topological effects.  We show this limitation can be overcome using a superlattice of alternating electron-doped and hole-doped semiconductor monolayers.  The superfluid transition in a …

Quantum transport properties at high magnetic fields and pressure-induced superconductivity in layered PtBi2

Triply degenerate point (TP) fermions in tungsten-carbide-type materials (e.g., MoP), which represent new topological states of quantum matter, have generated immense interest recently. However, the TPs in these materials are found to be far below the Fermi level, leading to the TP fermions having less contribution to low-energy quasiparticle excitations. Here, we theoretically predict the existence of TP fermions with …

The MacDiarmid Difference: Culture change and impact in a New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence

The MacDiarmid Institute was founded in 2002, with a vision of economic transformation through excellence and capability development in materials science, and with a broad mandate to work beyond the lab bench. 17 years on, this talk will focus on some of the ways in which the Institute is leading culture change; from entrepreneurship leading to 17 spinout companies, to …

Some theoretical results for twisted bilayer graphene near magic angle

When the relative rotation between two sheets of graphene is set to be close to special angles (referred to in the literature as “magic angles”), the low-energy effective theory features Dirac fermions with very flat bands.  Interest in understanding the competing mechanisms at play was reignited recently with the experimental observations of superconductivity and strongly correlated insulating phases in such …

Tuning the Edge States of Topological Crystalline Insulator Bismuthene via Substrate Effects

Chutian Wang, Monash University One of the key challenges in design of devices bases on topological materials is to conveniently turn the surface and edge states on and off. Two-dimensional (2D) topological crystalline insulators (TCI) are ideal materials for achieving this switch, as their edge states can be turned on/off by applying a symmetry-breaking field. However, it remains unresolved how …

Dynamics of impurities in quantum gases

The quantum impurity problem is relevant to a range of different systems in physics, and it continues to be a highly active area of research. In ultracold atomic gases, the impurity problem can be realised by introducing a small number of atoms of a different species into a background gas. The interaction between the impurity and the background medium can …

Dynamic Conductivity of nanoscale bubble domains in ferroelectric thin films

About the speaker Vivasha Govinden is a PhD student working with Prof Nagy Valanoor at UNSW to investigate ferroelectric coupling with the introduction of a spacer between ferroelectric thin films, leading to exotic ferroelectric domains that can contribute to a giant electromechanical response. An enhanced electromechanical response is key to applications in nanoelectronic sensors, memory and logic devices and electromechanical …

Antisymmetric magnetoresistance in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/graphite/Fe3GeTe2 trilayer heterostructures

With no requirements for lattice matching, van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnetic materials are rapidly establishing themselves as effective building blocks for next-generation spintronic devices. We report a hitherto rarely seen antisymmetric magnetoresistance (MR) effect in vdW heterostructured Fe3GeTe2 (FGT)/graphite/FGT devices. Unlike conventional giant MR (GMR), which is characterized by two resistance states, the MR in these vdW heterostructures features distinct high-, …

Deterministic Switching of Ferroelectric Bubble Nanodomains

Qi Zhang1, Sergei Prokhorenko2, Yousra Nahas2, Lin Xie3, Laurent Bellaiche2,  Alexei Gruverman4 and Nagarajan Valanoor1 1School of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales,  Sydney,  New South Wales 2052, Australia; 2 Physics Department and Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA; 3Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055 …

A room-temperature ferroelectric semimetal

Coexistence of reversible polar distortions and metallicity leading to a ferroelectric metal, first suggested by Anderson and Blount in 1965, has so far remained elusive. Electrically switchable intrinsic electric polarization, together with the direct observation of ferroelectric domains, has not yet been realized in a bulk crystalline metal, although incomplete screening by mobile conduction charges should, in principle, be possible. …

Resonant photovoltaic effect in doped magnetic semiconductors

The rectified non-linear response of a clean undoped semiconductor to an ac electric field includes a well known intrinsic contribution — the shift current. We show that when Kramers degeneracy is broken, a distinct second-order rectified response appears that is due to Bloch state anomalous velocities in a system with an oscillating Fermi surface. This effect, which we refer to …

Quantitative acoustic models for superfluid circuits

One of the goals of FLEET is to develop transistor technology using superfluid circuits.   In collaboration with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, we experimentally realize a highly-tunable superfluid oscillator circuit in a quantum gas of ultracold atoms, and develop and verify a simple lumped-element description of this circuit. At low oscillator currents, we demonstrate that …

The non-equilibrium Green’s function approach, an emerging simulation technique for novel devices

We use non-equilibrium Green’s functions, tight-binding and effective models to understand transport in a range of nanoscale devices. In 2019, this has included developing a new tight-binding model for low-dimensional allotropes of Bismuth (with the Monash node), studying the effects of spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional electron gases (with the UNSW node), and Majorana fermions in nanowires. In addition, we have …

Phase diagram in 2DEG with Spin orbit coupling

I study the phase diagram of two dimensional electron systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin orbit coupling systems. And we find there are two Fermi Liquid phase which have no spin polarisation. In addition, there is also a in plane spin polarisation phase. We also find a out-of-plane spin polarisation phase by Monte-Carlo simulation, which we are still study on …

Towards a 2D Organic Topological Insulator

In this talk I will discuss the steps we have taken so far in pursuing the goal of synthesising a 2D organic topological insulator comprised of 9,10-dicyanoanthracene (DCA) as the organic species. In particular, I will discuss our recently published results regarding a formation of a sub-monolayer of DCA molecules on Ag(111) where the individual molecular species exhibit charging when …

Motion and teleportation of bubble skyrmions in low-dimensional ferroelectrics

Polar bubble domains are complex topological defects akin to magnetic skyrmions that can spontaneously form in ferroelectric thin films and superlattices. They can be deterministically written and deleted and exhibit a set of properties, such as sub-10 nm radius and room- temperature stability, that are highly attractive for dense data storage and recongurable nano-electronics technologies. However, possibilities of controlled motion …

Learning to tell their science story: ECR comms training

Communications workshop for early-career researchers and PhD students Success in science requires the ability to describe one’s research in a coherent and compelling manner. FLEET has made an early start in building these skills in ECRs, with a half-day training session targeting science communications skills. A professional external facilitator from consultancy Mind Your Way coached young researchers on the particular …

Peppers image

FLEET’s first annual workshop: member engagement

Forging a Centre that is greater than the sum of its parts FLEET’s inaugural annual workshop in Torquay, Victoria, represented the Centre’s first chance to cement relationships between geographically-isolated research nodes and diverse physics disciplines. With a focus on education, each day began with a tutorial laying out the fundamentals for one of three research themes. This introduction maximised the …

Building a cohesive Centre: 2018 annual workshop

Forging a Centre that is greater than the sum of its parts FLEET’s second annual workshop built on the successes of the 2017 workshop, bringing all of the Centre’s members and many international partners together in Magenta, mid-coast New South Wales. As in 2017, the workshop was family friendly, with partners and family made welcome at shared meals, social events …