Congratulations Jared Cole CI

Professor Jared Cole, Chief Investigator, FLEET (RMIT)

Congratulations to RMIT Professor Jared Cole, now a FLEET Chief Investigator.

Jared is a theoretical physicist specialising in quantum physics and decoherence theory, particularly its application to solid-state systems.

Within FLEET Jared investigates the influence of dissipation and decoherence on electronic transport in nanostructures, and its role in electronic devices based on topologically protected conduction channels.

This is key to the design of future ultra-low energy electronics – the goal of FLEET’s research theme 1 (topological materials).

Jared is also a particularly skilled communicator, with a skill for translating complicated, sometimes even esoteric quantum physics.

As well as being a member of the FLEET team Jared is an investigator within the ARC Centre of Excellence for Exciton Science, studying processes key to control and manipulation of excitons.

You can contact Jared at Tell him he should be on Twitter.