1 Apr 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dr Aydin Keser, UNSW
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Meeting ID: 865 7641 5062 / Passcode 12345
Date: Thursday 1 April
11am (AEDT), 8am (Perth – AWST)
Classical electromagnetism is linear. However, fields can polarize the vacuum Dirac sea, causing quantum nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena, e.g., scattering and splitting of photons that occur only in very strong fields found in neutron stars or heavy ion colliders. We show that strong nonlinearity arises in Dirac materials at much lower fields, allowing us to explore the non-perturbative, extremely high field limit of quantum electrodynamics in solids. We explain recent experiments in a unified framework and predict nonlinear magneto-electric response, including a magnetic enhancement of the dielectric constant of insulators and a strong electric modulation of magnetization. We propose experiments and discuss the applications in novel materials.
Dr Keser is a FLEET research Fellow in Research Theme 1: Topological Dissipationless Systems