22 Nov 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Electronic and nuclear spins in driven quantum dots: Paradigm for non-equilibrium states with induced coherence
Prof. Götz S. Uhrig. Technical University of Dortmund
All welcome! The seminar flyer can be downloaded clicking on this link
The spin of localized electrons or holes in quantum dots is an interesting candidate for a quantum bit. Hence one aims at keeping its coherence as long as possible.
First, we discuss the main mechanism for the decoherence of the dynamics of the electronic spin. Second, we discuss the phenomenon of mode-locking observed in ensembles of quantum dots which leads to a coherent response of a large fraction of quantum dots. This mode-locking is achieved by long trains of repeated laser pulses inducing a state far from equilibrium. In an outlook, we discuss if this mechanism is able to generate quantum coherence.
Venue: G59-G60, Old Main Building K15