FLEET Colloquium: Dimi Culcer – Resonant photovoltaic effect in doped magnetic topological materials

  •  4 Sep 2019
     3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Resonant photovoltaic effect in doped magnetic topological materials

A/Prof Dimi Culcer

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

All welcome! The seminar flyer can be downloaded here.


The non-linear optical response of clean undoped semiconductors contains a static intrinsic term – the shift current. We have recently shown that when Kramers degeneracy is lifted, the second order dc response of doped topological materials and semimetals to an ac electric field becomes large at the interband absorption threshold in clean nearly isotropic materials. We refer to this effect, which results from an interesting interplay between inter-band coherence and intra-band occupation number response, as the resonant photovoltaic effect (RPE). We evaluate the RPE for a model of the surface states of a Bi2Te3 coupled to in-plane magnetic order due to either bulk doping or proximity coupling.

About the Speaker: 

A/Prof Dimi Culcer studies theoretically charge and spin transport in topological materials and artificial graphene with strong spin-orbit coupling to understand the criteria for protection against dissipation, including the operational criteria for achieving dissipationless transport in the quantum anomalous Hall effect.


20 Research Way, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia