FLEET PhD students Chutian Wang and Bernard Field explain binary computing using mechanical Digicomputers
Over a dozen FLEET researchers flew the flag for FLEET and future computing at the recent Melbourne Knowledge Week showcase.
Reps introduced the public to ICT energy use, electromagnetism, superconductivity (via FLEET’s supercooled Mobius track) , and the mechanics of binary operations that underlie all modern computing, via the Centre’s two Digicomputers. The superconducting track and Mobius track proved the most popular demonstrations, over the week.
Thanks to our small army of keen volunteers, who all fine-tuned their own science-outreach skills in the process:
- Cheng Tan, Guolin Zheng, Sam Wilkinson, Yik Lee, Lan Wang and Charles Welcome (RMIT)
- Paul Dyke, Sascha Hoinka, Tatek Lemma and Tatiana Tchernova (Swinburne)
- Gol Akhgar, Shao-Yu Chen, Bernard Field, Dhaneesh Kumar, Guangyao Li, Chang Liu, Nikhil Medhekar, Agustin Schiffrin, Chutian Wang and Yuefeng Yin (Monash).
Melbourne Knowledge Week is a festival of future technologies and talks at the Melbourne Meat Market, North Melbourne. FLEET’s exhibit provides a similar outreach opportunity to university Open Days, with a combination of demo’s and displays, questions and answers.