Wolfgang Ketterle visit to Melbourne: resources for media

Media release LINK

Event flyer for public talk

Poster for school lunch


Ketterle speaking at public talk Swinburne University of Technology, 30 November

Ketterle speaking at public talk Swinburne University of Technology, 30 November

Ketterle speaking at FLEET workshop

Ketterle speaking at FLEET workshop

Ketterle speaking to schoolkids at Monash University

Ketterle speaking to schoolkidsat Monash University







MIT: Images of Wolfgang Ketterle and Bose-Einstein condensates

equipment image

Philip Starkey and Seb Tempone-Wiltshire building next-generation Bose-Einstein condensate apparatus at the Helmerson Lab, Monash University (click for high-res)

Wolfgang Ketterle (born October 21, 1957) is a German physicist and professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, 2001.