FLEET turbo-charged our existing Centre-wide seminar series in 2020, with 10 research seminars – a significant increase from only four seminars in 2019.
Very aware of the importance of Centre cohesion without inter-state travel and with many universities in lockdown, FLEET threw extra resources into monthly Zoom seminars, often overlapping with expanded ‘journal club’ meetings involving multiple interstate visitors.
Two seminars were held ‘in-person’ at FLEET nodes before Covid lockdowns, with the remaining using Zoom video conferencing.
This year’s seminar series also focused on presentations from new Centre investigators and brought in external audiences via co-presenting with Centre partner organisations, including the MacDiarmid Institute (NZ) and ANSTO, and with other organisations such as the University of Newcastle’s School of Mathematical and Physical Science, Monash University School of Physics and Astronomy, and Materials Australia.
Unless confidential, unpublished information was shared, talks were videoed so that they could be shared via Youtube for a wider audience.
The monthly seminars were scheduled in and around the new, fortnightly trans-Pacific colloquia series and monthly AIP COE talks.
- November The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in thin magnetic films: a smorgasbord of effects and applications, Dr Karen Livesey, The University of Newcastle. Co-presented with University of Newcastle School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences WATCH
- November The fourth superconducting gap, Dr Philip Brydon, University of Otago. Co-presented with Monash School of Physics and Astronomy WATCH
- October Toward enhanced optoelectronics using plasmonic nanostructures, Dr Priyank Kumar UNSW
- September Towards efficient spin-current generation using amorphous materials, Dr Julie Karel, Monash University. Co-presented with Materials Australia. WATCH
- July So you’re graduating in a pandemic: what’s next? A/Prof Inger Mewburn, ANU
- July Light-tunable, low-dimensional materials for futuristic electronics, optoelectronics and brain-inspired devices, Sumeet Walia, RMIT
- June Scanning probe microscopy and its applications, Dr Peggy Zhang, UNSW
- May Neutron scattering furthering FLEET research, Dr Kirrily Rule (ANSTO), co-presented with ANSTO. WATCH
- April Topological materials for low-energy electronics, Prof Michael Fuhrer, Monash University
- January Quantum hydrodynamics of cold exciton gases & ultrafast Rabi-oscillating vortices in exciton-polariton condensates, Nina Voronova, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
—this is an extract from the 2020 FLEET annual report [read the full report online]