Congratulations to FLEET’s Jesper Levinsen, whose exceptional work as referee of peer-reviewed papers has been recognised by the Outstanding Referee Awards, one of only three in Australia in 2022, by the American Physical Society (APS).
The APS recognises around 150 outstanding referees each year who have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts submitted to the Physical Review journals.
The work of these referees in assessing and peer-reviewing manuscripts keep the standards of the journals at a high level, and help authors improve the quality and readability of their articles.
APS editors select the referees based on the quality, number, and timeliness of their reports. Comparable to Fellowship in the APS and other organisations, this is a lifetime award.
FLEET Associate Investigator Dr Jesper Levinsen is a theoretical physicist researching strongly-interacting quantum systems at the interface between condensed matter physics and the physics of ultracold atomic gases at Monash University.
“I work on aspects of superfluidity, impurities in degenerate quantum gases, few-body physics, and low-dimensional systems. A particular subject which fascinates me is the interplay between few- and many-body physics in strongly correlated systems.”
Within FLEET Dr Levinsen works on topological Floquet superfluids and on the dynamical manipulation of superfluids with impurities, in FLEET’s research themes 2 and 3.