Wolfgang Ketterle introduces Red to new states: ABC Radio Melbourne

“That’s not right!”

Well, yes, it is. Prof Wolfgang Ketterle, in Australia with FLEET, teaches ABC Radio Melbourne’s Red Symons a thing or two about states of matter. In particular, Bose Einstein condensates. Listen below.

Ketterle, in town for FLEET’s inaugural annual workshop in Torquay, is visiting the ultra-cold atomic labs at Swinburne today, where FLEET researchers use Bose-Einstein condensates in the search for ultra-low energy electronics.

Ketterle is speaking to a public audience at Swinburne tonight, and to schoolkids at Monash University tomorrow.


Ketterle speaks at FLEET workshop in Torquay

Ketterle speaking at Annual workshop Torquay

Ketterle (left) speaks to Symons (right) at ABC Radio Melbourne