Manufacturing advanced quantum materials: Monolayer semiconducting TMDCs

A Meet FLEET innovation-and-industry event poster

Mitch Conway, FLEET Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology

CERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CSIRO

Abigail Goff, Science outreach co-ordinator
John Monash Science School

 The Challenge

Figure 1: Optical microscopy of prototype samples

Monolayer TMDCs are a unique class of 2D semiconductors, which exhibit properties ideal for future quantum technologies. However, their manufacture and characterisation is time consuming and requires extensive experience.

Additional complexity is introduced by stacking monolayers with a high degree of precision. The angle dependence provides tunability of the optical and electrical properties.

Our market research discovered FLEET researchers wait ~3 months to acquire a desired sample, either through collaboration or by making it themselves.

The Solution

We can accelerate the research process by offering premade and characterised samples to enable quick supply to customers via an online marketplace, with lead times much shorter than what is currently experienced by FLEET academics.

Figure 2: Optical characteristics of monolayer TMDCs. a) spatially resolved PL. b) Emission spectrum. c) Angle-resolved SHG

We also manufacture heterostructures; stacks of two or more of these monolayer materials with precise angle control. Commercially available heterostructures are currently unheard-of despite being very topical in recent literature. This is an untapped opportunity we would like to validate as quickly as possible.

Key Benefits
  • Shorter lead times with premade samples
  • Straight to research with publication worthy optical characterizations
  • Precise angle control of manufactured heterostructures
Development Stage
  • Prototype samples manufactured
  • Optical characterization completed
  • Seeking strategic partners to help expand beyond TMDCs
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