Application close 22 November 2019
We are seeking an exemplary Research Fellow (Level A) to join our FLEET team to conduct research in theoretical condensed matter physics. The key research areas are (1) Physics of excitons and exciton-polaritons; (2) Ultracold atomic gases. There will be a particular focus on understanding and probing correlations both in and out of equilibrium.. The fellow will be working with A/Prof Meera Parish and Dr Dmitry Efimkin at Monash University, Melbourne. What we are looking for:
- A doctoral qualification in theoretical condensed matter physics or a closely related field from a recognised university or equivalent qualifications or research experience
- A strong background and expertise in theoretical physics, particularly quantum physics
- Demonstrated statistical analysis and manuscript and research proposal preparation skills
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills and a solid track record of refereed research publications.
APPLY NOW. Application close 22 November 2019.