Recent polariton BEC experiments have provided high-precision measurements on the value of the polariton-polariton interaction strength, a vital parameter governing the strength of the nonlinear interaction in a BEC’s dynamical equation. Here, based on a simplified polariton model with strongly screened electronic interactions, we perform a four-body calculation for the polariton-polariton interaction strength at zero momentum, which is directly comparable to experimental measurement.
This calculation should be considered exact within the precision of the Hamiltonian. The developed method placed us on the top of the calculation technique and it contributed to a significant advancement toward the final unabridged solution for interaction between polaritons under the unscreened Coulomb potential.
About the presenter
Dr Guangyao Li is a postdoc researcher working with A/Prof Meera Parish and Dr Jesper Levinsen at Monash University within FLEET’s Research themes 2 (exciton superfluids) and 3 (light-transformed materials). His research interests include dynamics of polariton condensates, chiral states at exceptional points, topological excitations in open-dissipative superfluid, and the spin-orbit interaction of light.