Through CSIRO ON and programs at Cruxes Innovation, Jonathan has worked with >500 researchers to date. He’s seen many researchers navigating their way to identify research impact, stakeholders and early adopters of their ideas. He also draws on his own first-hand experience of failures and successes generating impact from research, in Australia and Silicon Valley. In this presentation Jonathan will talk about journeys from research to impact, and the barriers and challenges that researchers face on the pathway to making a difference with their research.
About the presenter
Jonathan Lacey has been involved with technology commercialization since the late 1980s, as a researcher and inventor, product champion, investor and entrepreneur; at universities, large corporations and start-ups. He had 10 years experience working in Silicon Valley with HP-Broadcom. He joined CSIRO in 2011 to drive commercialization of the NGARA wireless communications technologies, and more recently as facilitator of CSIRO ON program and now, Cruxes Innovation.