The spatial separation of charge carriers with different spins is an important step towards building spintronics devices. Transverse magnetic focusing relies on large spin-orbit coupling to accomplish this task. Two-dimensional hole gases naturally exhibit large spin-orbit coupling and are therefore good candidates for realising transverse magnetic focusing based spin filters. However, in recent experiments, the correct interpretation of the different spin states has proven non-trivial. Building on previous work, we performed detailed numerical modelling of magnetic focusing experiments with hole gases. In doing so, we have gained a deeper understanding of the interplay between hole masses and spin states. We find that the results depend strongly on the Luttinger parameters and the specifics of a device’s design. This will help inform the next generation of hole gas experiments.
About the presenter
Yik Kheng Lee is a PhD student at RMIT with CI Jared Cole. He research interests align with FLEET’s Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.