The FLEET Node at UNSW Sydney connects seven investigators from the School of Physics, the School of Materials Science and Engineering and the School of Chemical Engineering with colleagues in six other Australian universities and 15 other Australian and international science centres. The UNSW node of the Centre is led by FLEET Deputy Director, Prof Alex Hamilton, who also leads the Centre’s Research Theme 1, topological materials.

FLEET also acknowledges the NSW Department of Industry, Skills & Regional Development for its support of the University of New South Wales and the University of Wollongong nodes through the Research Attraction and Acceleration Program.


Upcoming Events at UNSW

News at UNSW

Negative capacitance in topological transistors could reduce computing’s unsustainable energy load


Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh top 1%

No more moving parts: Liquid metal enabled chemical reactors

Welcoming Simon Granville (MacDiarmid) new FLEET Partner Investigator

Quantifying spin in WTe2 for future spintronics

Stress can be good for you: enhancing piezoelectric properties under pressure

Elements in liquid metals compete to win the surface

Home-grown semiconductors for faster, smaller electronics

A Smooth Conduit for Electron Fluids

New 2D research hub features FLEET talent

Identifying a topological fingerprint

Transforming the layered ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2 for future spintronics

Australian STEM recognised in Shanghai rankings

Women in FLEET Honours students at RMIT, UNSW, ANU

FLEET reps at Science meets Parliament

Engaging with industry in 2020

Liquid metals spin-off launched

Topological materials beat Boltzmann’s tyranny: Surpassing lower limit on computing energy consumption

A new, positive approach could be the key to next-generation, transparent electronics

Qubits comprised of holes could be the trick to build faster, larger quantum computers

Engaging senior school students at JMSS in 2020

Summer students introduce undergrads to quantum device study at UNSW

Remote outreach that’s also hands-on

teleconference image

Nano-thin piezoelectrics advance self-powered electronics

Zebra stripes, leopard spots and other patterns on the skin of frozen metal alloys that defy conventional metallurgy

One-dimensional quantum nanowires fertile ground for Majorana zero modes

Seeking answers in ferroelectric patterning

Supporting future science leaders

Electrical spin filtering the key to ultra-fast, energy-efficient spintronics

Contact FLEET at UNSW


The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia

T: +61 (2) 938 56184

E: FLEETnodeadmin@unsw.edu.au